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There are 17 words containing E, H, 2L, N, P, R and S

CHANCELLORSHIPchancellorship n. The status of being a chancellor.
CHANCELLORSHIP n. the office of chancellor.
CHANCELLORSHIPSchancellorships n. Plural of chancellorship.
CHANCELLORSHIP n. the office of chancellor.
CONTROLLERSHIPcontrollership n. The position or office of a controller.
CONTROLLERSHIP n. the office of controller.
CONTROLLERSHIPScontrollerships n. Plural of controllership.
CONTROLLERSHIP n. the office of controller.
COUNSELLORSHIPcounsellorship n. Alternative form of counselorship.
COUNSELLORSHIP n. the office of counsellor, also COUNSELORSHIP.
COUNSELLORSHIPScounsellorships n. Plural of counsellorship.
COUNSELLORSHIP n. the office of counsellor, also COUNSELORSHIP.
FLANNELGRAPHSflannelgraphs n. Plural of flannelgraph.
FLANNELGRAPH n. a display board covered with flannel or felt, on which letters, pictures, etc. backed with material will stick when pressed against it.
HYPERSONICALLYhypersonically adv. In a hypersonic way.
HYPERSONIC adv. flying at more than five times the speed of sound.
HYPOCRYSTALLINEhypocrystalline adj. (Geology, of igneous rocks) having both glass and crystalline components.
HYPOCRYSTALLINE adj. of igneous rocks, having both glass and crystalline components.
IONOSPHERICALLYionospherically adv. In terms of the ionosphere.
IONOSPHERIC adv. relating to the ionosphere.
PHALLOCENTRISMphallocentrism n. (Literally) Focus on the phallus.
phallocentrism n. (Figuratively) Focus on a male point of view.
PHALLOCENTRISM n. the state of being phallocentric.
PHALLOCENTRISMSphallocentrisms n. Plural of phallocentrism.
PHALLOCENTRISM n. the state of being phallocentric.
REPLENISHABLEreplenishable adj. Able to be renewed or replenished.
REPLENISHABLE adj. capable of being replenished.
SELENOGRAPHICALselenographical adj. Alternative form of selenographic.
SELENOGRAPHICAL adj. relating to selenography, the mapping of the moon, also SELENOGRAPHIC.
SULPHONYLUREAsulphonylurea n. Alternative spelling of sulfonylurea.
SULPHONYLUREA n. a synthetic compound used to reduce the level of glucose in the blood in diabetes mellitus.
SULPHONYLUREASsulphonylureas n. Plural of sulphonylurea.
SULPHONYLUREA n. a synthetic compound used to reduce the level of glucose in the blood in diabetes mellitus.
TELPHERLINESTELPHERLINE n. a line bearing a telpher.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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