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There are 19 words containing E, H, I, 3N, T and U

ANTHRAQUINONEanthraquinone n. (Organic chemistry) A tricyclic quinone, derived from anthracene.
anthraquinone n. (Organic chemistry) Any derivative of this parent compound, mostly natural pigments or synthetic dyes.
ANTHRAQUINONE n. a chemical used in the manufacture of some dyes.
ANTHRAQUINONESanthraquinones n. Plural of anthraquinone.
ANTHRAQUINONE n. a chemical used in the manufacture of some dyes.
COUNTERCHANGINGcounterchanging v. Present participle of counterchange.
COUNTERCHANGE v. to interchange, transpose.
COUNTERPUNCHINGcounterpunching v. Present participle of counterpunch.
COUNTERPUNCH v. to return a punch or blow.
ENTERCHAUNGINGENTERCHAUNGE v. (obsolete) to interchange, also INTERCHANGE.
TRUNCHEONINGtruncheoning v. Present participle of truncheon.
TRUNCHEON v. to strike with a truncheon.
UNBURTHENINGunburthening v. Present participle of unburthen.
UNBURTHEN v. (archaic) to unburden; to unload.
UNCHRISTENINGunchristening v. Present participle of unchristen.
UNCHRISTEN v. to render unchristian.
UNENLIGHTENEDunenlightened adj. Not enlightened; ignorant in general or of some particular fact.
UNENLIGHTENED adj. not enlightened.
UNENLIGHTENINGunenlightening adj. Not enlightening.
UNENLIGHTENING adj. not enlightening.
UNHINGEMENTunhingement n. The act of unhinging, or the state of being unhinged.
UNHINGEMENT n. the state of being unhinged.
UNHINGEMENTSunhingements n. Plural of unhingement.
UNHINGEMENT n. the state of being unhinged.
UNINCHANTEDUNINCHANTED adj. (Milton) unenchanted.
UNINHIBITEDNESSuninhibitedness n. The quality of being uninhibited.
UNINHIBITEDNESS n. the state of being uninhibited.
UNKNIGHTLINESSunknightliness n. The quality of being unknightly.
UNKNIGHTLINESS n. the state of being unknightly.
UNTHINKABLENESSunthinkableness n. The property of being unthinkable.
UNTHINKABLENESS n. the state of being unthinkable.
UNTHINKINGNESSunthinkingness n. Quality of being unthinking.
UNTHINKINGNESS n. the state of being unthinking.
UNTHREATENINGunthreatening adj. Not threatening.
UNTHREATENING adj. not threatening.
UNTHREATENINGLYunthreateningly adv. In an unthreatening way.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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