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There are 13 words containing E, H, I, K, N, 2O and R

ARRHENOTOKIESARRHENOTOKY n. giving birth only to boys.
DURCHKOMPONIERTDURCHKOMPONIERT adj. (German) having the music especially adapted to each stanza, also DURCHKOMPONIRT.
HOMEWORKINGhomeworking n. Working from home, especially when in electronic contact with a central office.
home␣working n. Alternative form of homeworking.
HOMEWORKING n. working from home.
HOODWINKERhoodwinker n. One who hoodwinks.
HOODWINKER n. one who hoodwinks.
HOODWINKERShoodwinkers n. Plural of hoodwinker.
HOODWINKER n. one who hoodwinks.
HORMONELIKEhormonelike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a hormone.
HORMONELIKE adj. like a hormone.
KINETOCHOREkinetochore n. (Biology) The protein structure in eukaryotes which assembles on the centromere and links the chromosome…
KINETOCHORE n. a structure forming at the centromere during mitosis for binding microtubules.
KINETOCHORESkinetochores n. Plural of kinetochore.
KINETOCHORE n. a structure forming at the centromere during mitosis for binding microtubules.
PINHOOKERpinhooker n. A speculator who buys and sells tobacco.
pinhooker n. One who buys and quickly sells young horses for a profit.
PINHOOKER n. (slang) a speculator who buys up foals hoping to make a profit on them when selling them as yearlings for racing.
PINHOOKERSpinhookers n. Plural of pinhooker.
PINHOOKER n. (slang) a speculator who buys up foals hoping to make a profit on them when selling them as yearlings for racing.
THROMBOKINASEthrombokinase n. (Biochemistry) A proteolytic enzyme that converts prothrombin into thrombin during the clotting of blood.
THROMBOKINASE n. an enzyme active in the clotting of blood, aka thromboplastin.
THROMBOKINASESthrombokinases n. Plural of thrombokinase.
THROMBOKINASE n. an enzyme active in the clotting of blood, aka thromboplastin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 525 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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