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There are 20 words containing E, H, I, K, L, R, S and T

SHIRTLIKEshirtlike adj. Resembling a shirt.
SHIRTLIKE adj. like a shirt.
STARCHLIKEstarchlike adj. Resembling starch.
STARCHLIKE adj. like starch.
THRUSHLIKEthrushlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a thrush (the bird).
thrushlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of thrush (the fungal infection).
THRUSHLIKE adj. like a thrush.
CHALKSTRIPECHALKSTRIPE n. clothing with a pattern of thin white stripes on a dark background.
KILOHERTZESkilohertzes n. Plural of kilohertz.
KILOHERTZ n. a unit of frequency, 1000 hertz.
OSTRICHLIKEostrichlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of an ostrich; struthian.
ostrichlike adj. Ignoring an imminent threat or unpleasant reality; head-in-the-sand.
ostrich-like adj. Alternative spelling of ostrichlike.
BLATHERSKITEblatherskite n. A voluble purveyor of nonsense; a blusterer.
blatherskite n. A worthless fellow; a deadbeat.
blatherskite n. Nonsense or blather; empty talk.
CHALKSTRIPESCHALKSTRIPE n. clothing with a pattern of thin white stripes on a dark background.
LOCKSMITHERYlocksmithery n. The work of a locksmith.
LOCKSMITHERY n. the craft of the locksmith.
NIGHTWALKERSnightwalkers n. Plural of nightwalker.
NIGHTWALKER n. a person who roams about at night esp. with criminal intent.
RAKEHELLIESTRAKEHELLY adj. like a rakehell, dissolute.
STICKHANDLERstickhandler n. (Ice hockey, field hockey, lacrosse) A player who is skilled in stickhandling.
STICKHANDLER n. one who stickhandles, controls the puck or ball in a game played with a stick.
BLATHERSKITESblatherskites n. Plural of blatherskite.
BLATHERSKITE n. (Scots) a garrulous talker of nonsense, also BLETHERANSKATE, BLETHERSKATE.
POIKILOTHERMSpoikilotherms n. Plural of poikilotherm.
POIKILOTHERM n. an organism that takes on the temperature of its surroundings.
STICKHANDLERSstickhandlers n. Plural of stickhandler.
STICKHANDLER n. one who stickhandles, controls the puck or ball in a game played with a stick.
EARTHSHAKINGLYearthshakingly adv. In an earthshaking manner.
EARTHSHAKING adv. of great importance or consequence.
LOCKSMITHERIESLOCKSMITHERY n. the craft of the locksmith.
POIKILOTHERMIESPOIKILOTHERMY n. the state of being cold-blooded, also POIKILOTHERMISM.
POIKILOTHERMISMpoikilothermism n. Poikilothermy.
POIKILOTHERMISM n. the state of being cold-blooded, also POIKILOTHERMY.
UNCHRISTIANLIKEunchristianlike adj. Not Christian-like.
unchristian-like adj. Alternative spelling of unchristianlike.
un-Christian-like adj. Rare spelling of unchristianlike.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 687 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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