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There are 16 words containing E, 2H, N, 2P, T and Y

NEPHROPATHYnephropathy n. (Pathology) Damage to, disease of, or abnormality of the kidneys.
NEPHROPATHY n. kidney disease.
HYPNOTHERAPYhypnotherapy n. Treatment of disease by means of hypnotism.
HYPNOTHERAPY n. therapy involving the use of hypnotism.
PHANEROPHYTEphanerophyte n. (Biology) Any woody plant that carries its dormant buds openly on branches above the ground.
PHANEROPHYTE n. a perennial plant that bears its perennating buds well above the surface of the ground.
ANTHROPOPHYTEanthropophyte n. (Ecology) A plant introduced into a new habitat by humans.
ANTHROPOPHYTE n. a plant introduced incidentally in the course of cultivation.
PHANEROPHYTESphanerophytes n. Plural of phanerophyte.
PHANEROPHYTE n. a perennial plant that bears its perennating buds well above the surface of the ground.
PHYTOPATHOGENphytopathogen n. (Biology) Any organism that is pathogenic to plants.
PHYTOPATHOGEN n. an organism parasitic on a plant host.
ANTHROPOPHYTESanthropophytes n. Plural of anthropophyte.
ANTHROPOPHYTE n. a plant introduced incidentally in the course of cultivation.
ENCEPHALOPATHYencephalopathy n. (Pathology, neurology) Any of various conditions affecting the brain.
ENCEPHALOPATHY n. any of various brain diseases.
HYPERTROPHYINGhypertrophying v. Present participle of hypertrophy.
HYPERTROPHY v. to grow to abnormal size.
HYPNOTHERAPIEShypnotherapies n. Plural of hypnotherapy.
HYPNOTHERAPY n. therapy involving the use of hypnotism.
HYPNOTHERAPISThypnotherapist n. A practitioner of hypnotherapy.
HYPNOTHERAPIST n. one who practises hypnotherapy.
PHYTOPATHOGENSphytopathogens n. Plural of phytopathogen.
PHYTOPATHOGEN n. an organism parasitic on a plant host.
HEMATOPORPHYRINhematoporphyrin n. (Biochemistry) The porphyrin portion of heme (minus the iron atom).
HEMATOPORPHYRIN n. any of several porphyrins that are hydrated derivatives of protoporphyrins.
HYPNOTHERAPISTShypnotherapists n. Plural of hypnotherapist.
HYPNOTHERAPIST n. one who practises hypnotherapy.
LYMPHADENOPATHYlymphadenopathy n. (Medicine) An abnormal enlargement of the lymph nodes; it is often a nonspecific sign of infection but…
LYMPHADENOPATHY n. abnormal enlargement of the lymph nodes.
PHYTOPATHOGENICphytopathogenic adj. Pathogenic to plants.
PHYTOPATHOGENIC adj. of or like a phytopathogen.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 398 words
  • Scrabble in French: 24 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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