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There are 19 words containing E, 2H, M, R, 2T and Y

EURHYTHMISTEURHYTHMIST n. a practitioner of eurhythmics, also EURYTHMIST.
CHRESTOMATHYchrestomathy n. A collection of written passages, used to learn an unfamiliar language.
chrestomathy n. A collection of choice passages from an author or authors.
CHRESTOMATHY n. a selection of passages compiled as an aid to learning a language; a volume of selected passages or stories of an author.
EURHYTHMISTSEURHYTHMIST n. a practitioner of eurhythmics, also EURYTHMIST.
MERRYTHOUGHTmerrythought n. (Archaic) The furcula or wishbone.
MERRYTHOUGHT n. the furcula between the neck and breastbone of poultry, aka wishbone.
RHYTHMOMETERrhythmometer n. An instrument for marking time in musical movements.
RHYTHMOMETER n. an instrument for measuring the speed of rhythms.
MERRYTHOUGHTSmerrythoughts n. Plural of merrythought.
MERRYTHOUGHT n. the furcula between the neck and breastbone of poultry, aka wishbone.
RHYTHMICITIESrhythmicities n. Plural of rhythmicity.
RHYTHMICITY n. the state of being rhythmic or of responding rhythmically.
RHYTHMOMETERSrhythmometers n. Plural of rhythmometer.
RHYTHMOMETER n. an instrument for measuring the speed of rhythms.
THERMOTHERAPYthermotherapy n. (Medicine) The use of heat to treat disease.
THERMOTHERAPY n. the treatment of a part of the body by heat.
HISTOCHEMISTRYhistochemistry n. (Biology, chemistry) The branch of histology dealing with the chemistry of cells and tissues.
HISTOCHEMISTRY n. the chemistry of living tissues.
OPHTHALMOMETRYophthalmometry n. Measurement of the visual acuity and refractive power of the eyes.
OPHTHALMOMETRY n. measurement of the eye.
PHOTOCHEMISTRYphotochemistry n. (Chemistry) The study of photochemical reactions.
PHOTOCHEMISTRY n. science, processes and properties of chemical changes effected by light.
PHOTOTHERMALLYphotothermally adv. In a photothermal manner.
PHOTOTHERMAL adv. of or concerned with light and heat, esp. the production of heat by light, also PHOTOTHERMIC.
PHYTOCHEMISTRYphytochemistry n. (Chemistry, botany) The scientific study of the chemicals found in plants.
phytochemistry n. (Botany) The collection of chemicals and chemical processes found in a particular plant.
PHYTOCHEMISTRY n. the chemistry of plants.
CHEMOAUTOTROPHYchemoautotrophy n. (Biology) A mode of growth in which CO2 is the exclusive source of assimilated carbon, and energy is…
CHEMOAUTOTROPHY n. the production of energy by the oxidation of inorganic compounds, such as iron, ammonia and hydrogen sulphide.
HEMICRYPTOPHYTEhemicryptophyte n. (Botany) Any plant whose buds rest on the surface, being protected in various ways.
HEMICRYPTOPHYTE n. any perennial plant that bears its overwintering buds at soil level, where they are often partly covered by surface debris.
HYETOMETROGRAPHHYETOMETROGRAPH n. an instrument for recording rainfall.
THERMOCHEMISTRYthermochemistry n. (Chemistry, physics) The study of the thermodynamics of chemical reactions.
THERMOCHEMISTRY n. a branch of chemistry that deals with the interrelation of heat with chemical reaction or physical change of state.
THIRTYSOMETHINGthirtysomething n. A tricenarian: a person in their thirties, a person aged between 30 and 39 years (inclusive).
thirtysomething adj. Between 30 and 39 years of age.
thirtysomething adj. Between 30 and 39 in number.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 419 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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