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There are 18 words containing E, 2H, 2I, 2R and T

TICHORRHINEtichorrhine adj. (Paleontology, used to describe a fossil rhinoceros) Having a vertical bony medial septum supporting the nose.
TICHORRHINE n. a fossil woolly rhinoceros with a bony nasal septum.
TICHORRHINESTICHORRHINE n. a fossil woolly rhinoceros with a bony nasal septum.
FAITHWORTHIERFAITHWORTHY adj. worthy of faith or belief.
THERIOMORPHICtheriomorphic adj. Having the form of a beast.
THERIOMORPHIC adj. having the form of a beast, also THERIOMORPHOUS.
ARCHPRIESTSHIPARCHPRIESTSHIP n. the office of archpriest.
HAMARTHRITISESHAMARTHRITIS n. gout in all the joints.
HERMAPHRODITIChermaphroditic adj. Of or pertaining to hermaphrodism; being a hermaphrodite.
hermaphroditic adj. (Biology) Possessing the reproductive organs of both sexes.
HERMAPHRODITIC adj. of or like a hermaphrodite, bearing both sexes, e.g. of plants usually in the same flower.
THERIANTHROPICtherianthropic adj. Having both human and animal forms.
THERIANTHROPIC adj. combining human and animal forms.
THERIOMORPHISMtheriomorphism n. The shaping of something in the form of an animal.
THERIOMORPHISM n. the belief that gods exist in animal form.
ARCHPRIESTSHIPSARCHPRIESTSHIP n. the office of archpriest.
HERMAPHRODITISMhermaphroditism n. The state of having sexual organs of both the male and female sexes.
HERMAPHRODITISM n. the state of being hermaphrodite, bearing both sexes, usually in the same flower.
HIERARCHIZATIONhierarchization n. The act or result of hierarchizing; the establishment of a hierarchy.
HISTORIOGRAPHERhistoriographer n. A scholar who studies historiography.
HISTORIOGRAPHER n. one who practises historiography, the study of writing history.
HYPERTHYROIDISMhyperthyroidism n. (Medicine) The excessive production of hormones by the thyroid.
hyperthyroidism n. (Pathology) The pathological condition resulting from these excess hormones.
HYPERTHYROIDISM n. excessive functional activity of the thyroid gland.
THERIANTHROPISMtherianthropism n. The representation of deities in combined human and animal form.
THERIANTHROPISM n. the representation or worship of therianthropic forms or gods.
THERIOMORPHISMStheriomorphisms n. Plural of theriomorphism.
THERIOMORPHISM n. the belief that gods exist in animal form.
THERIOMORPHOSISTHERIOMORPHOSIS n. transformation into a beast.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 580 words
  • Scrabble in French: 79 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 14 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 18 words

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