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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 18 fifteen-letter words containing E, H, L, O, 2R and 2S

ATHEROSCLEROSESatheroscleroses n. Plural of atherosclerosis.
ATHEROSCLEROSIS n. hardening of the inner lining of the arteries with fatty degeneration.
ATHEROSCLEROSISatherosclerosis n. (Pathology) The clogging or hardening of arteries or blood vessels caused by plaques (accumulations…
ATHEROSCLEROSIS n. hardening of the inner lining of the arteries with fatty degeneration.
BROTHERLINESSESbrotherlinesses n. Plural of brotherliness.
BROTHERLINESS n. the state of being brotherly.
CONTROLLERSHIPScontrollerships n. Plural of controllership.
CONTROLLERSHIP n. the office of controller.
ELECTROPHORESESelectrophoreses n. Plural of electrophoresis.
electrophoreses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of electrophorese.
ELECTROPHORESE v. to subject to electrophoresis.
ELECTROPHORESISelectrophoresis n. (Electricity) the migration of electrically charged molecules through a medium under the influence of…
electrophoresis n. (Analytical chemistry) (biochemistry), a method for the separation and analysis of large molecules (such…
ELECTROPHORESIS n. the use of an electric field to move chemicals.
ELECTROPHORUSESelectrophoruses n. Plural of electrophorus.
ELECTROPHORUS n. an apparatus consisting of a disk and metal plate to demonstrate static electricity.
MICROPUBLISHERSmicropublishers n. Plural of micropublisher.
MICROPUBLISHER n. one who publishes in microform, a process for reproducing printed matter in much reduced size.
NORTHEASTERLIESnortheasterlies n. Plural of northeasterly.
north-easterlies n. Plural of north-easterly.
NORTHEASTERLY n. a wind from the northeast.
NORTHERLINESSESNORTHERLINESS n. the state of being northerly.
NORTHWESTERLIESnorthwesterlies n. Plural of northwesterly.
NORTHWESTERLY n. a wind from the northwest.
POLYARTHRITISESPOLYARTHRITIS n. arthritis affecting several joints.
REPROACHFULNESSreproachfulness n. The state or quality of being reproachful.
REPROACHFUL n. reproving.
SCLEROTHERAPIESsclerotherapies n. Plural of sclerotherapy.
SPHAEROCRYSTALSsphaerocrystals n. Plural of sphaerocrystal.
SPHAEROCRYSTAL n. a rounded crystalline mass.
THALASSOGRAPHERthalassographer n. One who studies thalassography.
THALASSOGRAPHER n. one who studies thalassography, the science of the sea.
TROUBLESHOOTERStroubleshooters n. Plural of troubleshooter.
TROUBLESHOOTER n. a skilled worker employed to locate trouble and make repairs in machinery and technical equipment.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 148 words
  • Scrabble in French: 16 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 19 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 3 words

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