ASTROCHEMISTRY | • astrochemistry n. (Chemistry, astronomy) The study of the chemical composition of stars and outer space. • ASTROCHEMISTRY n. the study of molecules and radicals in outer space. |
BRACHYPTERISMS | • BRACHYPTERISM n. the state of having abnormally short wings. |
CRYMOTHERAPIES | • CRYMOTHERAPY n. medical treatment using extreme cold, also CRYOTHERAPY. |
HYPERCRITICISM | • hypercriticism n. Excessive or unfairly harsh criticism. • HYPERCRITICISM n. an instance of being hypercritical. |
HYPERMETROPIAS | • hypermetropias n. Plural of hypermetropia. • HYPERMETROPIA n. longsightedness, aka hyperopia, also HYPERMETROPY. |
HYPERMETROPIES | • HYPERMETROPY n. an inability to see near objects clearly because the images received by the eye are focused behind the retina, also HYPERMETROPIA. |
HYPERMODERNIST | • hypermodernist n. A proponent of hypermodernism (in any sense). • HYPERMODERNIST n. a practitioner of a hypermodernist style in art. |
HYPERROMANTICS | • HYPERROMANTIC n. one who is excessively romantic. |
HYPERSARCOMATA | • HYPERSARCOMA n. proud or fungous flesh. |
IATROCHEMISTRY | • iatrochemistry n. (Chemistry, medicine) An early branch of chemistry, having roots in alchemy, that tried to provide chemical… • IATROCHEMISTRY n. the application of chemistry to medical theory and treatment. |
LACHRYMATORIES | • lachrymatories n. Plural of lachrymatory. • LACHRYMATORY n. a narrow-necked vase; a tear-bottle. |
MICROCHEMISTRY | • microchemistry n. (Chemistry) Chemical techniques for preparing, handling, and analyzing small quantities of chemical… • microchemistry n. (Chemistry) Chemical processes that take place in very small regions, such as on the grain boundaries of a metal. • MICROCHEMISTRY adj. small-scale chemistry. |
NEUROCHEMISTRY | • neurochemistry n. (Biochemistry) The branch of neuroscience concerned with the chemistry of the nervous system. • NEUROCHEMISTRY n. the study of the chemical makeup and activities of nervous tissue. |
PETROCHEMISTRY | • petrochemistry n. (Petrochemistry) The branch of chemistry that deals with petroleum, natural gas and their derivatives. • PETROCHEMISTRY n. the branch of chemistry concerned with the extraction of chemicals from petroleum. |
PSYCHROMETRIES | • psychrometries n. Plural of psychrometry. • PSYCHROMETRY n. measurement by psychrometer. |
PYRHELIOMETERS | • pyrheliometers n. Plural of pyrheliometer. • PYRHELIOMETER n. an instrument for measuring the heating effect of the sun. |
RADIOCHEMISTRY | • radiochemistry n. (Chemistry) the chemistry of radioactive substances. • radiochemistry n. (Chemistry) the use of radioisotopes to study the kinetics of chemical reactions. • RADIOCHEMISTRY n. a branch of chemistry dealing with radioactive substances and phenomena including tracer studies. |