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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 16 fourteen-letter words containing E, H, M, 2O and 3S

HARMONIOUSNESSharmoniousness n. The characteristic of being harmonious.
HARMONIOUS n. musically concordant.
HISTOPLASMOSEShistoplasmoses n. Plural of histoplasmosis.
HISTOPLASMOSIS n. a disease of animals and man due to infection by the fungal organism Histoplasma capsulatum.
HOMOSEXUALISTShomosexualists n. Plural of homosexualist.
HOMOSEXUALIST n. a homosexual.
HUMOROUSNESSEShumorousnesses n. Plural of humorousness.
HUMOROUSNESS n. the state of being humorous.
HUMOURSOMENESShumoursomeness n. Quality of being humoursome.
HUMOURSOME n. capricious, petulant, also HUMORSOME.
ISOCHROMOSOMESisochromosomes n. Plural of isochromosome.
ISOCHROMOSOME n. a chromosome produced by transverse splitting of the centromere so that both arms are from the same side of the centromere, are of equal length, and possess identical genes.
MISANTHROPOSESMISANTHROPOS n. (Shakespeare) a misanthrope, also MISANTHROPE.
MOSQUITOFISHESmosquitofishes n. Plural of mosquitofish.
MOSQUITOFISH n. a species of freshwater fish, native to the southeastern US.
OMPHALOSKEPSESOMPHALOSKEPSIS n. the contemplation of one's own navel to induce a mental trance.
OMPHALOSKEPSISomphaloskepsis n. Contemplation of or meditation upon one’s navel; navel-gazing.
omphaloskepsis n. (Figuratively) Ratiocination to the point of self-absorption.
OMPHALOSKEPSIS n. the contemplation of one's own navel to induce a mental trance.
PHOTOEMISSIONSphotoemissions n. Plural of photoemission.
PHOTOEMISSION n. the release of electrons from a usually solid material (as a metal) by means of energy supplied by incidence of radiation and esp. light.
POSTHUMOUSNESSposthumousness n. The quality of being posthumous.
POSTHUMOUSNESS n. the state of being posthumous.
SCHOOLMISTRESSschoolmistress n. A woman in charge of a school.
SCHOOLMISTRESS n. a female schoolmaster.
SKEUOMORPHISMSskeuomorphisms n. Plural of skeuomorphism.
SKEUOMORPHISM n. the state of being a skeuomorph.
TOMFOOLISHNESStomfoolishness n. The quality of being tomfoolish.
TOMFOOLISHNESS n. the state of being tomfoolish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 62 words
  • Scrabble in French: 22 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 21 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 9 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 4 words

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