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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 17 fourteen-letter words containing E, H, 2I, N, 2R and S

ANTIDIARRHEALSantidiarrheals n. Plural of antidiarrheal.
ANTIDIARRHEAL n. a drug used to counter diarrhea.
ARCHIMANDRITESarchimandrites n. Plural of archimandrite.
ARCHIMANDRITE n. the head of a monastery or convent.
BREATHARIANISMbreatharianism n. The belief in, or practice of, living without food, subsisting instead on prana or sunlight.
BREATHARIANISM n. the belief that human beings can be sustained solely by prana, a vital force in the breath.
CHARACTERISINGcharacterising v. Present participle of characterise.
CHARACTERISE v. to give a character to, also CHARACTERIZE.
HERBORISATIONSherborisations n. Plural of herborisation.
HERBORIZATIONSherborizations n. Plural of herborization.
HEREDITARINESShereditariness n. (Rare) The property of being hereditary.
HEREDITARINESS n. the state of being hereditary.
INTERBEHAVIORSINTERBEHAVIOR n. the behaviour of interaction between organisms, also INTERBEHAVIOUR.
OVERNOURISHINGovernourishing v. Present participle of overnourish.
OVERNOURISH v. to nourish excessively.
PANARTHRITISESPANARTHRITIS n. arthritis of all joints of body, or of the whole of one joint.
PHRONTISTERIESphrontisteries n. Plural of phrontistery.
PHRONTISTERY n. a place for study and contemplation.
PROGENITORSHIPprogenitorship n. The state of being a progenitor.
PROGENITORSHIP n. the state of being a progenitor.
SCRIVENERSHIPSSCRIVENERSHIP n. the office of scrivener.
SHERARDISATIONsherardisation n. Alternative form of sherardization.
SHERARDISATION n. the process of sherardising, also SHERARDIZATION.
SHERARDIZATIONsherardization n. The process of sherardizing.
SHERARDIZATION n. the process of sherardizing, also SHERARDISATION.
SPHERISTERIONSSPHERISTERION n. a room or court for ball games.
STREPTOTHRICINstreptothricin n. Any of various antimicrobial agents produced by Streptomyces bacteria.
STREPTOTHRICIN n. any of a group of related basic antibiotics produced by a streptomyces and active esp. against bacteria.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 153 words
  • Scrabble in French: 78 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 77 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 135 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 60 words

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