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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing E, H, O, 2R and 3S

CHORUSMASTERSchorusmasters n. Plural of chorusmaster.
CHORUSMASTER n. the conductor of a choir.
CHRISTCROSSESCHRISTCROSS n. the mark of a cross formerly placed in front of the alphabet in hornbooks; a cross used in place of a signature by someone unable to sign his name.
CROSSBENCHERScrossbenchers n. Plural of crossbencher.
cross-benchers n. Plural of cross-bencher.
CROSSBENCHER n. an independent member of the House of Lords.
GASTROSOPHERSgastrosophers n. Plural of gastrosopher.
GASTROSOPHER n. a person skilled in matters of eating, also GASTROSOPH.
HORSERADISHEShorseradishes n. Plural of horseradish.
horse-radishes n. Plural of horse-radish.
HORSERADISH n. a tall coarse white-flowered herb of the mustard family.
HYPERSARCOSEShypersarcoses n. Plural of hypersarcosis.
HYPERSARCOSIS n. proud or fungous flesh.
HYPERSARCOSIShypersarcosis n. (Pathology, archaic) A soft fungous excrescence, especially such as appears upon ulcerated parts.
HYPERSARCOSIS n. proud or fungous flesh.
PROFESSORSHIPprofessorship n. (Education) The office of a professor.
PROFESSORSHIP n. the office of professor.
SARRUSOPHONESsarrusophones n. Plural of sarrusophone.
SARRUSOPHONE n. a double-reeded musical instrument resembling the bassoon.
SCIRRHOSITIESscirrhosities n. Plural of scirrhosity.
SCIRRHOSITY n. the state of being scirrhous, resembling a scirrhus, a hard swelling.
SERVITORSHIPSservitorships n. Plural of servitorship.
SERVITORSHIP n. the office of servitor.
SHARPSHOOTERSsharpshooters n. Plural of sharpshooter.
SHARPSHOOTER n. a marksman.
STRATOSPHERESstratospheres n. Plural of stratosphere.
STRATOSPHERE n. a region of the atmosphere beginning about 4.5 to 10 miles up, in which temperature does not fall as altitude increases.
SUPERIORSHIPSsuperiorships n. Plural of superiorship.
SUPERIORSHIP n. the office of superior.
SURVEYORSHIPSsurveyorships n. Plural of surveyorship.
SURVEYORSHIP n. the office of surveyor.
SYNCHRONISERSsynchronisers n. Plural of synchroniser.
SYNCHRONISER n. one who synchronises, also SYNCHRONIZER.
WHOREMISTRESSwhoremistress n. (Derogatory) A woman who runs a brothel, or hires out prostitutes; a madam.
WHOREMISTRESS n. (archaic) a woman who runs a brothel.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 74 words
  • Scrabble in French: 20 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 12 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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