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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing E, H, M, P, 2S, T and Y

DYSPHEMISTICdysphemistic adj. Of, pertaining to, or being a dysphemism.
DYSPHEMISTIC adj. relating to dysphemism.
HYPSOMETRIESHYPSOMETRY n. the art of measuring the heights of places on the earth's surface.
HYPSOMETRISTHYPSOMETRIST n. a practitioner of hypsometry, the measuring the heights of places on the earth's surface.
MASSOTHERAPYmassotherapy n. (Massage) massage as a form of therapy.
MASSOTHERAPY n. therapy using massage.
METAPSYCHICSmetapsychics n. The study of psychic or metapsychic phenomena.
METAPSYCHICS n. the study of psychic phenomena beyond the limits of ordinary or orthodox psychology.
MONOPHYSITESmonophysites n. Plural of monophysite.
Monophysites n. Plural of Monophysite.
MONOPHYSITE n. one believing that Christ had but a single divine nature.
MYTHOPOEISMSMYTHOPOEISM n. the making of myths.
MYTHOPOEISTSmythopoeists n. Plural of mythopoeist.
mythopœists n. Plural of mythopœist.
MYTHOPOEIST n. a mythmaker.
PHOTOSYSTEMSphotosystems n. Plural of photosystem.
PHOTOSYSTEM n. either of two photochemical reaction centers consisting chiefly of photosynthetic pigments complexed with protein and occurring in chloroplasts.
PHYSITHEISMSPHYSITHEISM n. the ascription of physical form and attributes to deity; the deification of the powers of nature.
PSAMMOPHYTESpsammophytes n. Plural of psammophyte.
PSAMMOPHYTE n. a plant adapted to growing in sand.
PSYCHOMETERSpsychometers n. Plural of psychometer.
PSYCHOMETER n. an instrument measuring the duration and intensity of mental states.
SCYPHISTOMAEscyphistomae n. Plural of scyphistoma.
SCYPHISTOMA n. the fixed polypoid stage in the life cycle of a scyphozoan, which reproduces asexually by budding or strobilation.
SPERMAPHYTESspermaphytes n. Plural of spermaphyte.
SPERMAPHYTE n. any member of the Spermatophyta, seed-bearing plants, also SPERMOPHYTE.
SPERMOPHYTESspermophytes n. Plural of spermophyte.
SPERMOPHYTE n. any member of the Spermatophyta, seed-bearing plants, also SPERMAPHYTE.
SYMPATHETICSSYMPATHETIC n. a sympathetic structure.
SYMPATHISERSsympathisers n. Plural of sympathiser.
SYMPATHISER n. one who sympathises, also SYMPATHIZER.
SYMPATHIZERSsympathizers n. Plural of sympathizer.
SYMPATHIZER n. one who sympathizes, also SYMPATHISER.
UNSYMPATHIESUNSYMPATHY n. absence of sympathy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 38 words
  • Scrabble in French: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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