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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing E, H, L, O, P, S and 2T

HEPATOLOGISThepatologist n. A person who works in hepatology.
HEPATOLOGIST n. a specialist in liver diseases.
HETEROPLASTYheteroplasty n. The grafting of tissue between different individuals of the same or different species.
HETEROPLASTY n. grafting of foreign tissue.
PHLEBOTOMISTphlebotomist n. A practitioner of phlebotomy.
PHLEBOTOMIST n. one who carries out phlebotomies.
PHOTOELASTICphotoelastic adj. (Of a material) exhibiting birefringence when stressed.
photoelastic adj. Of, or relating to photoelasticity.
PHOTOELASTIC adj. relating to or exhibiting photoelastic.
PHOTOREALISTphotorealist n. An artist who works in photorealism.
photorealist adj. Of, pertaining to or exemplifying photorealism.
PHOTOREALIST n. an exponent of photorealism.
PHYTOSTEROLSphytosterols n. Plural of phytosterol.
PHYTOSTEROL n. any of various sterols derived from plants.
PLECTOGNATHSplectognaths n. Plural of plectognath.
PLECTOGNATH n. any spiny-finned marine fish of the mainly tropical order Plectognathi, that includes puffers, triggerfish, trunkfish and sunfish.
POLYTHEISTICpolytheistic adj. Of or relating to polytheism…
poly-theistic adj. Alternative spelling of polytheistic.
POLYTHEISTIC adj. relating to polytheism, also POLYTHEISTICAL.
SEPTILLIONTHseptillionth adj. The ordinal form of the number septillion.
septillionth n. The person or thing in the septillionth position.
septillionth n. One of a septillion equal parts of a whole.
STEGOPHILISTSTEGOPHILIST n. one who climbs buildings for sport.
STEPMOTHERLYstepmotherly adj. Like or befitting a stepmother.
STEPMOTHERLY adj. like a stepmother.
STROPHIOLATEstrophiolate adj. (Botany) Furnished with a strophiole.
STROPHIOLATE adj. having strophioles, caruncles, also STROPHIOLATED.
TELEPHONISTStelephonists n. Plural of telephonist.
TELEPHONIST n. a telephone switchboard operator.
TELEPHONITIStelephonitis n. (Humorous) A tendency to use the telephone excessively.
TELEPHONITIS n. excessive use of the telephone.
THALLOPHYTESthallophytes n. Plural of thallophyte.
THALLOPHYTE n. any organism belonging to the Thallophyta, that includes algae, fungi, and bacteria.
THIOSULPHATEthiosulphate n. A salt of thiosulphuric acid.
THIOSULPHATE n. any salt of thiosulphuric acid, also THIOSULFATE.
TOXOPHILITEStoxophilites n. Plural of toxophilite.
TOXOPHILITE n. one fond of or expert at archery.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 80 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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