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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing E, H, I, L, M, O, P and Y

HOMEOTYPICALhomeotypical adj. (Biology) Of or resembling the usual type.
HOMEOTYPICAL adj. denoting or relating to the second nuclear division of meiosis, which resembles mitosis, also HOMOEOTYPICAL.
HYPERBOLISMShyperbolisms n. Plural of hyperbolism.
HYPERBOLISM n. use of hyperbole.
HYPOCALCEMIAhypocalcemia n. (Biology, medicine) The condition of having an abnormally low concentration of calcium ions in the blood.
HYPOCALCEMIA n. a deficiency of calcium in the blood, also HYPOCALCAEMIA.
HYPOCALCEMIChypocalcemic adj. Relating to, or exhibiting, hypocalcemia.
HYPOCALCEMIC adj. relating to hypocalcemia, also HYPOCALCAEMIC.
HYPOGLYCEMIAhypoglycemia n. (Pathology) A too low level of blood glucose.
HYPOGLYCEMIA n. abnormal decrease of sugar in the blood, also HYPOGLYCAEMIA.
HYPOGLYCEMIChypoglycemic adj. (Pathology) Suffering from hypoglycemia.
hypoglycemic adj. Causing hypoglycemia.
hypoglycemic n. A sufferer of hypoglycemia.
HYPOKALEMIAShypokalemias n. Plural of hypokalemia.
HYPOKALEMIA n. a deficiency of potassium in the blood.
HYPOVOLAEMIChypovolaemic adj. Alternative form of hypovolemic.
LYMPHOPENIASlymphopenias n. Plural of lymphopenia.
LYMPHOPENIA n. an abnormally low level of lymphocytes in the blood.
MICROCEPHALYmicrocephaly n. A neurological disorder in which the person affected has an abnormally small head due to a failure of brain growth.
MICROCEPHALY n. the state of having a small head.
MONOPHYLETICmonophyletic adj. (Biology) Of, pertaining to, or affecting a single phylum (or other taxon) of organisms.
monophyletic adj. (Biology) Deriving from a single clade (monophylum).
monophyletic adj. (Biology) Descending from a single ancestral species.
MYELOPATHIESmyelopathies n. Plural of myelopathy.
MYELOPATHY n. a disease or disorder of the spinal cord or bone marrow.
MYRMECOPHILEmyrmecophile n. An organism, especially an insect, that lives in close association with or shares a nest with a species of ant.
MYRMECOPHILE n. an organism that shares an ant colony.
MYRMECOPHILYmyrmecophily n. The condition of being myrmecophilous.
MYRMECOPHILY n. a symbiotic relation with ants.
NYMPHOLEPTICnympholeptic adj. Of, or relating to, or having characteristics of an instance of nympholepsy.
NYMPHOLEPTIC adj. relating to nympholepsy.
PHONEMICALLYphonemically adv. By means of, or in terms, of phonemes.
PHONEMIC adv. relating to a phoneme.
POLYCHROMIESpolychromies n. Plural of polychromy.
POLYCHROMY n. the art or practice of combining different colors, esp. brilliant ones, in an artistic way.
POLYCYTHEMIApolycythemia n. (Pathology) A rare disorder in which the bone marrow produces an abnormally large amount of blood cells…
POLYCYTHEMIA n. a condition marked by an abnormal increase in the number of circulating red blood cells, also POLYCYTHAEMIA.
POLYCYTHEMICpolycythemic adj. Pertaining to, or afflicted with, polycythemia.
POLYCYTHEMIC adj. relating to polycythemia.
PYROCHEMICALpyrochemical adj. (Chemistry) Of, related to, or produced by chemical reactions at elevated temperatures.
PYROCHEMICAL adj. relating to chemical changes at high temperatures.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 89 words
  • Scrabble in French: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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