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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing E, 2H, 2O, 2R and T

BROTHERHOODSbrotherhoods n. Plural of brotherhood.
BROTHERHOOD n. the state of being brothers.
HETEROCHRONYheterochrony n. (Biology) the variation in ontogeny of individuals of a species that gives rise to evolution.
HETEROCHRONY n. divergence from normal time sequence in development, also HETEROCHRONISM.
HETEROMORPHYheteromorphy n. (Biology) The state or quality of being heteromorphic; heteromorphism.
HETEROMORPHY n. dissimilarity in shape, structure, or magnitude.
HETEROTROPHSheterotrophs n. Plural of heterotroph.
HETEROTROPH n. a secondary feeder eating plants or other animals.
HETEROTROPHYheterotrophy n. The state of being a heterotroph.
HETEROTROPHY n. the state of being a heterotroph, a secondary feeder eating plants or other animals.
ORTHOGRAPHERorthographer n. Someone who devises an orthography.
orthographer n. (Informal) Someone who is knowledgeable in spelling rules; someone who spells words correctly.
ORTHOGRAPHER n. a correct speller.
PHOTOGRAPHERphotographer n. One who takes photographs, typically as an occupation.
PHOTOGRAPHER n. one who practices photography.
REPHOTOGRAPHrephotograph v. To photograph again.
REPHOTOGRAPH v. to photograph again.
SHARPSHOOTERsharpshooter n. A person trained to shoot precisely with a rifle; a marksman.
sharpshooter n. A proconiine (type of leafhopper).
SHARPSHOOTER n. a marksman.
THERIOMORPHSTHERIOMORPH n. an animal form in art.
THERMOCHROMYthermochromy n. The property possessed by heat of being composed, like light, of rays of different degrees of refrangibility…
THERMOCHROMY n. a phenomenon in which certain dyes made from liquid crystals change colour reversibly when their temperature is change, also THERMOCHROMISM.
THOROUGHBREDthoroughbred adj. Bred from pure stock.
thoroughbred adj. Well-bred and properly educated.
thoroughbred n. Alternative letter-case form of Thoroughbred (“horse bred for racing”).
THOROUGHFAREthoroughfare n. (Now rare except in certain set phrases) A passage; a way through.
thoroughfare n. A road open at both ends or connecting one area with another; a highway or main street.
thoroughfare n. (Uncountable) The act of going through; passage; travel, transit.
THROUGHOTHERthroughother adj. (Ireland, dialect) untidy.
THROUGHOTHER adv. in confusion, also THROUGHITHER.
TROCHOPHOREStrochophores n. Plural of trochophore.
TROCHOPHORE n. a free-swimming pelagic form of many invertebrates, also TROCHOSPHERE.
TROCHOSPHEREtrochosphere n. (Zoology) A young larval form of many annelids, mollusks, and bryozoans, in which a circle of cilia…
TROCHOSPHERE n. a free-swimming pelagic form of many invertebrates, also TROCHOPHORE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 49 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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