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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing E, H, O, P, R, 2S and U

HOUSEPERSONhouseperson n. A househusband or housewife.
HOUSEPERSON n. a person who does housekeeping.
OCTOPUSHERSoctopushers n. Plural of octopusher.
OCTOPUSHER n. one who plays octopush, a kind of underwater hockey.
PHOSPHURETSphosphurets n. Plural of phosphuret.
PHOSPHURET n. (obsolete) a phosphide, also PHOSPHORET.
POWERHOUSESpowerhouses n. Plural of powerhouse.
POWERHOUSE n. one having great drive, energy, or ability.
QUESTORSHIPquestorship n. Alternative form of quaestorship.
QUESTORSHIP n. the office of questor, also QUAESTORSHIP.
SEPULCHROUSsepulchrous adj. Sepulchral.
SEPULCHROUS adj. of or like a sepulchre.
SHOWJUMPERSshowjumpers n. Plural of showjumper.
show␣jumpers n. Plural of show jumper.
SHOWJUMPER n. a horse or rider in a showjumping competition.
SKEUOMORPHSskeuomorphs n. Plural of skeuomorph.
SKEUOMORPH n. a design feature copied from a similar artifact in another material, even when not functionally necessary e.g. the click sound of a shutter in an analog camera that is now reproduced in a digital camera by playing a sound clip.
SPRINGHOUSEspringhouse n. A small building constructed over a spring, formerly used for refrigeration (and thus sometimes also…
spring␣house n. Alternative form of springhouse.
SPRINGHOUSE n. a storehouse built over a spring for keeping dairy products and meat cool and fresh.
SULPHUREOUSsulphureous adj. (British spelling, now rare) Sulphurous.
SULPHUREOUS adj. pertaining to or like sulphur, also SULFUREOUS.
SUPERHEROESsuperheroes n. Plural of superhero.
SUPERHERO n. any of various comic-book heroes with supernormal or superhuman powers.
SUPERPHONESsuperphones n. Plural of superphone.
SUPERPHONE n. a telephone with a high-speed processor that can perform many of the functions of a computer.
SUPERSCHOOLsuperschool n. A very large or successful school.
SUPERSCHOOL n. an exceptional school.
SUPERSMOOTHsupersmooth adj. Very smooth.
supersmooth adj. (Mathematics) Of or relating to a distribution that has derivatives of all orders.
SUPERSMOOTH adj. very very smooth.
SURGEONSHIPsurgeonship n. Synonym of surgeoncy.
SURGEONSHIP n. the office of surgeon.
TOOLPUSHERStoolpushers n. Plural of toolpusher.
tool-pushers n. Plural of tool-pusher.
TOOLPUSHER n. a supervisor of drilling operations at an oil well.
UPHOLSTRESSupholstress n. (Dated) A female upholsterer.
UPHOLSTRESS n. a female upholsterer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 75 words
  • Scrabble in French: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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