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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing E, H, N, 2O, 2R and T

ARRHENOTOKYarrhenotoky n. (Biology) The production of male offspring by parthenogenesis.
ARRHENOTOKY n. giving birth only to boys.
CHRONOMETERchronometer n. A device for measuring time, such as a watch or clock.
CHRONOMETER n. an instrument for measuring time.
CHRONOMETRYchronometry n. The science of the measurement of time.
CHRONOMETRY n. the measuring of time.
COINHERITORcoinheritor n. One of several who are inheritors to an estate.
COINHERITOR n. a joint inheritor.
FORESHORTENforeshorten v. To render the image of an object such that it appears to be receding in space as it is perceived visually.
foreshorten v. To abridge, reduce, contract.
foreshorten v. To make shorter.
NECROTROPHSnecrotrophs n. Plural of necrotroph.
NECROTROPH n. a parasitic organism that kills the living cells of its host and then feeds on the dead material.
NEUROTROPHYneurotrophy n. (Biology) The nutrition and metabolism of tissues regulated by nerves.
NEUROTROPHY n. nutrition of the nervous system; the influence of the nervous system on nutrition.
NORTHERMOSTnorthermost adj. Synonym of northernmost.
ORCHESTRIONorchestrion n. (Music) A mechanical multiple musical instrument designed to sound like an orchestra or band.
ORCHESTRION n. a name given to various keyboard or barrel organ instruments designed to imitate an orchestra, also ORCHESTRINA.
ORNITHOPTERornithopter n. An aircraft that generates lift through the flapping of its wings.
ORNITHOPTER n. a birdlike archaic flying machine.
ORTHOCENTERorthocenter n. (Geometry) The intersection of the three lines that can be drawn flowing from the three corners of a…
ORTHOCENTER n. the point of intersection of the altitudes of a triangle, also ORTHOCENTRE.
ORTHOCENTREorthocentre n. Alternative form of orthocenter.
ORTHOCENTRE n. the point of intersection of the altitudes of a triangle, also ORTHOCENTER.
ORTHOPTERANorthopteran n. (Zoology) Any of many insects of the order Orthoptera.
ORTHOPTERAN n. any member of the Orthoptera, an order of mandibulate insects, also ORTHOPTERON.
ORTHOPTERONorthopteron n. Alternative form of orthopteran.
ORTHOPTERON n. any member of the Orthoptera, an order of mandibulate insects, also ORTHOPTERAN.
RHINOCEROTErhinocerote n. (Obsolete) Synonym of rhinoceros.
RHINOCEROTE n. (obsolete) a rhinoceros, also RHINOCEROS, RHINOCEROT.
SHOREFRONTSshorefronts n. Plural of shorefront.
SHOREFRONT n. the part of a shore nearest the sea.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 75 words
  • Scrabble in French: 27 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 9 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 3 words

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