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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing E, H, 2I, O, P, R and T

DIAPHORETICdiaphoretic adj. (Pharmacology) Generating sweat or perspiration.
diaphoretic n. (Pharmacology) A product or agent which induces or promotes perspiration.
DIAPHORETIC adj. promoting sweating.
DIPHTHEROIDdiphtheroid adj. Of, pertaining to or resembling diphtheria.
diphtheroid adj. Of, pertaining to or resembling the diphtheria bacillus Corynebacterium diphtheriae.
diphtheroid n. Any bacterium that can cause diphtheria.
EDITORSHIPSeditorships n. Plural of editorship.
EDITORSHIP n. the office or charge of an editor.
EPITROCHOIDepitrochoid n. A geometric curve traced by a fixed point on one circle which rotates around the perimeter of another…
EPITROCHOID n. a curve like an epicycloid but generated by any point on a radius.
HELIOTROPICheliotropic adj. Exhibiting heliotropism.
HELIOTROPIC adj. turning towards the sun, also HELIOTROPICAL.
HELIOTROPINheliotropin n. Piperonal.
HELIOTROPIN n. a phenolic aldehyde of very pleasant odour, used as a perfume and in flavourings, etc., aka piperonal.
HEMITROPIESHEMITROPY n. the state of being a twin.
HEMITROPISMHEMITROPISM n. the state of being a hemitrope, a twinned crystal.
HORRIPILATEhorripilate v. (Transitive, intransitive) To bristle in fear or horror; to have goose bumps or goose pimples.
HORRIPILATE v. to produce the erection of hairs on the head or body.
HYPERINOTIChyperinotic adj. Relating to hyperinosis.
HYPERINOTIC adj. relating to hyperinosis, excess of fibrin in the blood.
HYPONITRITEhyponitrite n. (Inorganic chemistry) The oxyanion of nitrogen NO- derived from hyponitrous acid; any salt containing…
HYPONITRITE n. a salt or ester of hyponitrous acid.
PREHISTORICprehistoric adj. (Properly) Of or relating to the epoch before written record.
prehistoric adj. (Inexact or humorous) Ancient; very old, outdated, etc.
PREHISTORIC adj. relating to the time before historical records, also PREHISTORICAL.
PROHIBITERSprohibiters n. Plural of prohibiter.
PROHIBITER n. one who prohibits, also PROHIBITOR.
PROHIBITIVEprohibitive adj. Tending to prohibit, preclude, or disallow.
prohibitive adj. Costly to the extreme; beyond budget.
prohibitive adj. (Of a contender in a competition): presumptive winner, likely winner.
RETROPHILIAretrophilia n. The attraction to and preference for that which is from or characteristic of the past.
RETROPHILIA n. love of things of the past.
SOPHISTRIESsophistries n. Plural of sophistry.
SOPHISTRY n. deceptively subtle reasoning or argumentation; an argument used to deceive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 68 words
  • Scrabble in French: 37 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 17 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 40 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 60 words

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