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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing E, H, 2I, N, O, P and T

ANTIPHONIESantiphonies n. Plural of antiphony.
ANTIPHONY n. antiphonal chanting or singing.
HELICOPTINGhelicopting v. Present participle of helicopt.
HELICOPT v. to travel by helicopter.
HELIOTROPINheliotropin n. Piperonal.
HELIOTROPIN n. a phenolic aldehyde of very pleasant odour, used as a perfume and in flavourings, etc., aka piperonal.
HELIOTYPINGheliotyping v. Present participle of heliotype.
HELIOTYPE v. to obtain such a picture.
HEMIANOPTIChemianoptic adj. Alternative form of hemianopsic.
HEMIANOPTIC adj. suffering from hemiopia, blind in half the field of vision, also HEMIANOPIC, HEMIOPIC.
HYPERINOTIChyperinotic adj. Relating to hyperinosis.
HYPERINOTIC adj. relating to hyperinosis, excess of fibrin in the blood.
HYPONITRITEhyponitrite n. (Inorganic chemistry) The oxyanion of nitrogen NO- derived from hyponitrous acid; any salt containing…
HYPONITRITE n. a salt or ester of hyponitrous acid.
JOSEPHINITEjosephinite n. (Mineralogy) awaruite.
JOSEPHINITE n. a mineral found only at Jospehine Creek in Oregon.
NOTAPHILIESNOTAPHILY n. the collecting of banknotes and cheques as a hobby, also NOTAPHILISM.
OENOPHILISToenophilist n. An oenophile; a wine lover.
OENOPHILIST n. lover of wine.
PHONEMICISTphonemicist n. A person who studies phonemics.
PHONEMICIST n. a student of phonemics.
PHONETICIANphonetician n. A person who specializes in the physiology, acoustics, and perception of speech.
phonetician n. (Linguistics) A person who specializes in the study of speech sounds and their representation by written symbols.
phonetician n. (Linguistics) A dialectologist; a person who studies regional differences in speech sounds.
PHONETICISEphoneticise v. Alternative form of phoneticize.
PHONETICISE v. to represent phonetically, also PHONETICIZE, PHONETISE, PHONETIZE.
PHONETICISMphoneticism n. The phonetic representation of sounds.
PHONETICISM n. phonetic character or representation.
PHONETICISTphoneticist n. An expert in phonetics.
phoneticist n. One who advocates a phonetic system of spelling.
PHONETICIST n. a student of phonetics.
PHONETICIZEphoneticize v. (Transitive) To spell by phonetic script.
PHONETICIZE v. to represent phonetically, also PHONETICISE, PHONETISE, PHONETIZE.
PHONETISINGphonetising v. Present participle of phonetise.
PHONETISE v. to represent phonetically, also PHONETICISE, PHONETICIZE, PHONETIZE.
PHONETIZINGphonetizing v. Present participle of phonetize.
PHONETIZE v. to represent phonetically, also PHONETICISE, PHONETICIZE, PHONETISE.
PHOTOIONISEPHOTOIONISE v. to ionize by electromagnetic radiation, also PHOTOIONIZE.
PHOTOIONIZEphotoionize v. (Physics) To cause, or to undergo photoionization.
PHOTOIONIZE v. to ionize by electromagnetic radiation, also PHOTOIONISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 66 words
  • Scrabble in French: 20 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 15 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 34 words

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