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There are 18 words containing E, G, 3R, S, T and U

ARBITRAGEURSarbitrageurs n. Plural of arbitrageur.
ARBITRAGEUR n. one who makes profit by dealing on the stock exchange, also ARBITRAGER.
DAGUERREOTYPERSdaguerreotypers n. Plural of daguerreotyper.
DAGUERREOTYPER n. one who develops daguerreotypes, also DAGUERREOTYPIST.
ELECTROSURGERYelectrosurgery n. (Surgery) the application of high-frequency electric current to tissue as a means to cut, coagulate…
ELECTROSURGERY n. surgery by means of diathermy.
GEWURZTRAMINERSGewürztraminers n. Plural of Gewürztraminer.
GEWURZTRAMINER n. (German) a variety of Traminer grape grown esp. in the Rhine valley, Alsace, and Austria; the mildly spicy white wine made from this grape.
IRREGULARITIESirregularities n. Plural of irregularity.
IRREGULARITY n. something that is irregular, as improper or dishonest conduct.
MARGARITIFEROUSmargaritiferous adj. Producing pearls.
MARGARITIFEROUS adj. pearl-bearing.
OVERSTRUCTURINGSorry, definition not available.
PRESTRUCTURINGprestructuring v. Present participle of prestructure.
PRESTRUCTURE v. to structure in advance.
RESTRUCTURINGrestructuring v. Present participle of restructure.
restructuring n. A reorganization; an alteration of structure.
RESTRUCTURING n. the act of changing the structure of something.
RESTRUCTURINGSrestructurings n. Plural of restructuring.
RESTRUCTURING n. the act of changing the structure of something.
RESURRECTINGresurrecting v. Present participle of resurrect.
RESURRECT v. to bring back to life.
ROTOGRAVURESrotogravures n. Plural of rotogravure.
ROTOGRAVURE n. an intaglio printing process by which imagery is transferred from a copper cylinder to a web of paper, plastic or similar material in a rotary press.
STEREOREGULARstereoregular adj. (Chemistry) Having small regularly oriented units in a single sequential arrangement.
STEREOREGULAR adj. of, relating to, or involving stereochemical regularity in the repeating units of a polymeric structure.
SUPEREROGATORSUPEREROGATOR n. one who does or performs more than is required.
SUPEREROGATORSsupererogators n. Plural of supererogator.
SUPEREROGATOR n. one who does or performs more than is required.
SUPEREROGATORYsupererogatory adj. Pertaining to supererogation; doing more than is required, especially with reference to good works in…
SUPEREROGATORY adj. going beyond the call of duty; superfluous.
TURBOCHARGERSturbochargers n. Plural of turbocharger.
TURBOCHARGER n. a centrifugal blower driven by exhaust gas turbines and used to supercharge an engine.
TURBOGENERATORSturbogenerators n. Plural of turbogenerator.
turbo-generators n. Plural of turbo-generator.
TURBOGENERATOR n. an electric generator driven by a turbine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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