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There are 15 words containing E, G, M, 2N, O, T and Y

GENTLEWOMANLYgentlewomanly adj. Having the manners or behavior of a gentlewoman; having social graces; polite.
GENTLEWOMANLY adj. like a gentlewoman.
GOVERNMENTALLYgovernmentally adv. In a governmental way; by or through a government.
GOVERNMENTAL adv. relating to government.
HONEYMONTHINGHONEYMONTH v. (obsolete) to spend one's honeymoon, also HONEYMOON.
IMMUNOGENICITYimmunogenicity n. (Immunology) The ability of a particular substance to provoke an immune response.
IMMUNOGENICITY n. the state of being immunogenic.
INHOMOGENEITYinhomogeneity n. (Uncountable) The state of being inhomogeneous.
inhomogeneity n. (Countable) Something that lacks homogeneity.
inhomogeneity n. (Countable) A local departure from homogeneity.
MAGNILOQUENTLYmagniloquently adv. In a magniloquent manner.
MAGNILOQUENT adv. speaking in a grand or pompous style.
NONHOMOGENEITYnonhomogeneity n. Absence of homogeneity.
NONHOMOGENEITY n. the state of being not homogeneous.
NONJUDGMENTALLYnonjudgmentally adv. In a nonjudgmental manner; without evaluation; acceptingly.
non-judgmentally adv. Alternative form of nonjudgmentally.
REMONSTRATINGLYremonstratingly adv. With remonstrations.
REMONSTRATING adv. REMONSTRATE, to protest, to expostulate.
RETROMINGENCYretromingency n. The characteristic of urinating backwards, present in certain animals.
RETROMINGENCY n. urinating backwards.
TESTIMONYINGTESTIMONY v. (Shakespeare) to testify.
TORMENTINGLYtormentingly adv. In a tormenting manner.
TORMENTING adv. inflicting great bodily or mental suffering.
TWENTYSOMETHINGtwentysomething n. A person whose age is between twenty and twenty-nine years, inclusive; someone in their twenties.
twentysomething num. Between twenty and thirty.
twenty-something num. Alternative form of twentysomething.
YESTERMORNINGyestermorning n. (Archaic) Yesterday morning.
YESTERMORNING n. yesterday evening or morning.
YESTERMORNINGSYESTERMORNING n. yesterday evening or morning.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 469 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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