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There are 17 words containing E, G, L, N, P, 2R and Y

REPORTINGLYreportingly adv. (Obsolete, rare) By common report or rumour.
REPORTING adv. giving an account of.
REPROVINGLYreprovingly adv. In a reproving manner.
REPROVING adv. REPROVE, to rebuke sternly.
CLERGYPERSONclergyperson n. An ordained (male or female) Christian minister, a member of the clergy.
PERSPIRINGLYperspiringly adv. While perspiring; with perspiration or sweat.
PERSPIRING adv. PERSPIRE, to exude sweat through the pores of the skin.
PERTURBINGLYperturbingly adv. In a manner that perturbs.
PERTURBING adv. PERTURB, to disturb greatly.
CLERGYPERSONSclergypersons n. Plural of clergyperson.
OROPHARYNGEALoropharyngeal adj. (Anatomy, relational) Of or pertaining to both the mouth and the pharynx.
oropharyngeal adj. (Anatomy, relational) Of or pertaining to the oropharynx.
oropharyngeal n. (Informal, medicine) Ellipsis of oropharyngeal airway.: an adjunct device used to open and secure a…
PERSEVERINGLYperseveringly adv. In a persevering manner; with perseverance.
PERSEVERING adv. continuing steadfastly.
PROLEGOMENARYprolegomenary adj. Of the nature of a prolegomenon; preliminary; introductory; prefatory.
PROLEGOMENARY adj. of the nature of a prolegomenon, introductory, also PROLEGOMENAL, PROLEGOMENOUS.
REPROACHINGLYreproachingly adv. Reproachfully.
REPROACHING adv. REPROACH, to find fault with.
ENTERPRISINGLYenterprisingly adv. In an enterprising manner.
ENTERPRISING adv. marked by an independent energetic spirit and by readiness to act.
OVERPOWERINGLYoverpoweringly adv. In an overpowering manner.
OVERPOWERING adv. OVERPOWER, to overcome or reduce to helplessness.
CORRESPONDINGLYcorrespondingly adv. In a corresponding manner; conformably.
CORRESPONDING adv. similar, comparable.
HYPERPOLARISINGhyperpolarising v. Present participle of hyperpolarise.
HYPERPOLARISE v. to increase the difference in electric potential across a cell membrane, also HYPERPOLARIZE.
HYPERPOLARIZINGhyperpolarizing v. Present participle of hyperpolarize.
HYPERPOLARIZE v. to produce an increase in potential difference across a biological membrane, also HYPERPOLARISE.
PROGRESSIONALLYPROGRESSIONAL adv. relating to progression.
UNPROGRESSIVELYunprogressively adv. In an unprogressive way.
UNPROGRESSIVE adv. not progressive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 365 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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