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There are 18 words containing E, G, L, M, 3N and O

CONDEMNINGLYcondemningly adv. In a condemning fashion.
CONDEMNING adv. CONDEMN, to judge unfavourably.
MICROTUNNELLINGMICROTUNNELLING n. a technique used in laying underground pipes, etc., in which miniature boring machines excavate the required channel without breaking or damaging the road surface.
MONEYLENDINGmoneylending n. The practice of lending money.
MONEYLENDING n. the business of lending money.
MONEYLENDINGSMONEYLENDING n. the business of lending money.
MONUMENTALISINGmonumentalising v. Present participle of monumentalise.
MONUMENTALISE v. to record or memorialize lastingly by a monument, also MONUMENTALIZE.
MONUMENTALIZINGmonumentalizing v. Present participle of monumentalize.
MONUMENTALIZE v. to record or memorialize lastingly by a monument, also MONUMENTALISE.
NONALIGNMENTnonalignment n. The condition of being nonaligned.
non-alignment n. Alternative form of nonalignment.
NONALIGNMENT n. the state of being nonaligned.
NONALIGNMENTSnonalignments n. Plural of nonalignment.
NONALIGNMENT n. the state of being nonaligned.
NONGOVERNMENTALnongovernmental adj. Not governmental; not derived from a government; civilian.
non-governmental adj. Not belonging to, associated with or operated by a particular government.
NONGOVERNMENTAL adj. not governmental, also NONGOVERNMENT.
NONJUDGEMENTALnonjudgemental adj. Alternative spelling of nonjudgmental.
non-judgemental adj. Alternative form of nonjudgemental.
NONJUDGEMENTAL adj. avoiding judgments based on one's personal and esp. moral standards, also NONJUDGMENTAL.
NONJUDGMENTALnonjudgmental adj. Without making judgements, especially those based upon personal ethics or opinions.
NONJUDGMENTAL adj. avoiding judgments based on one's personal and esp. moral standards, also NONJUDGEMENTAL.
NONJUDGMENTALLYnonjudgmentally adv. In a nonjudgmental manner; without evaluation; acceptingly.
non-judgmentally adv. Alternative form of nonjudgmentally.
NONLEGUMINOUSnonleguminous adj. Not leguminous.
NONLEGUMINOUS adj. not leguminous.
NONMANAGERIALnonmanagerial adj. (Management) Not managerial.
NONMANAGERIAL adj. not managerial.
NONMEANINGFULnonmeaningful adj. Not meaningful.
NONMEANINGFUL adj. not meaningful.
NONREGIMENTALnonregimental adj. Not regimental.
NONREGIMENTAL adj. not regimental.
PHENOMENALISINGphenomenalising v. Present participle of phenomenalise.
PHENOMENALISE v. to represent as a phenomenon, also PHENOMENALIZE.
PHENOMENALIZINGphenomenalizing v. Present participle of phenomenalize.
PHENOMENALIZE v. to represent as a phenomenon, also PHENOMENALISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 420 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 18 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 7 words

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