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There are 19 words containing E, G, 2I, N, O and 2U

DISINGENUOUSdisingenuous adj. Not honourable; unworthy of honour.
disingenuous adj. Not ingenuous; not frank or open.
disingenuous adj. Assuming a pose of naïveté to make a point or for deception.
DISINGENUOUSLYdisingenuously adv. In a manner that is not frank or open; deceptively.
disingenuously adv. In an unnoble manner; in a manner unbecoming of true honor or dignity; unworthily.
disingenuously adv. In a manner that adopts a pose of naïveté, possibly to make a point or to deceive.
FULIGINOUSNESSFULIGINOUS n. sooty; having a dark or dusky color.
NEUROLINGUISTneurolinguist n. One who studies neurolinguistics.
NEUROLINGUIST n. a practitioner of neurolinguistics, the branch of linguistics which deals with the processing and storage of language in the brain.
NEUROLINGUISTICneurolinguistic adj. Pertaining to neurolinguistics.
NEUROLINGUISTIC adj. relating to neurolinguistics, the branch of linguistics which deals with the processing and storage of language in the brain.
NEUROLINGUISTSneurolinguists n. Plural of neurolinguist.
NEUROLINGUIST n. a practitioner of neurolinguistics, the branch of linguistics which deals with the processing and storage of language in the brain.
OUTINTRIGUEoutintrigue v. (Transitive) To surpass in plots or intrigues.
OUTINTRIGUE v. to surpass in intrigue.
OUTINTRIGUEDoutintrigued v. Simple past tense and past participle of outintrigue.
OUTINTRIGUE v. to surpass in intrigue.
OUTINTRIGUESoutintrigues v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outintrigue.
OUTINTRIGUE v. to surpass in intrigue.
QUADRIGEMINOUSquadrigeminous adj. Archaic form of quadrigeminal.
QUADRIGEMINOUS adj. having four similar parts, also QUADRIGEMINAL, QUADRIGEMINATE.
ULTIMOGENITUREultimogeniture n. A system of inheritance in which the youngest son or youngest child inherits an estate.
ULTIMOGENITURE n. inheritance by the youngest child.
ULTIMOGENITURESultimogenitures n. Plural of ultimogeniture.
ULTIMOGENITURE n. inheritance by the youngest child.
UNDERNOURISHINGundernourishing v. Present participle of undernourish.
UNDERNOURISH v. to nourish insufficiently.
UNQUESTIONINGunquestioning adj. Believing without question; having absolute loyalty.
unquestioning adj. Naive.
UNQUESTIONING adj. not questioning.
UNQUESTIONINGLYunquestioningly adv. Without asking questions or having doubts. With complete obedience and without making any opposition.
UNQUESTIONING adv. not questioning.
UNRELIGIOUSunreligious adj. Not religious.
UNRELIGIOUS adj. not religious.
UNRELIGIOUSLYunreligiously adv. In an unreligious way.
UNRELIGIOUS adv. not religious.
USTILAGINEOUSustilagineous adj. Relating to the ustilago fungus.
USTILAGINEOUS adj. relating to a genus of basidiomycetous fungi, of the family Ustilaginaceae, also USTILAGINOUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 308 words
  • Scrabble in French: 52 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 21 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 328 words

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