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There are 20 words containing E, G, 2I, 2L, M and Y

DEMIURGICALLYdemiurgically adv. In the manner of a demiurge.
DEMIURGICAL adv. relating to a demiurge, also DEMIURGEOUS, DEMIURGIC.
DEMORALISINGLYdemoralisingly adv. Alternative spelling of demoralizingly.
DEMORALISING adv. disheartening.
DEMORALIZINGLYdemoralizingly adv. In a demoralizing manner.
DEMORALIZING adv. DEMORALIZE, to corrupt the morals of, also DEMORALISE.
DIAMAGNETICALLYdiamagnetically adv. In a diamagnetic way.
DIAMAGNETIC adv. applied to any substance of which a rod suspended between the poles of a magnet arranges itself across the lines of force, as opposed to paramagnetic.
DISSEMBLINGLYdissemblingly adv. So as to dissemble or deceive; with dissimulation.
EMBELLISHINGLYembellishingly adv. So as to embellish.
EMBELLISHING adv. EMBELLISH, to add beauty to.
ENIGMATICALLYenigmatically adv. Acting in a manner that suggests an enigma.
enigmatically adv. Behaving mysteriously or strangely.
enigmatically adv. Functioning in a way that is unexplainable.
GLIMMERINGLYglimmeringly adv. In a glimmering manner.
glimmeringly adv. By way of vague, imprecise notions or suspicions.
GLIMMERING adv. shining faintly.
GONIOMETRICALLYgoniometrically adv. By means of, or in terms of, goniometry.
GONIOMETRICAL adv. relating to the measurement of angles.
GRAVIMETRICALLYgravimetrically adv. (Chemistry) Using a gravimetric method.
gravimetrically adv. (Geology) Using a gravimeter.
GRAVIMETRICAL adv. of or relating to measurement by weight, also GRAVIMETRIC.
ILLEGITIMACYillegitimacy n. The state or condition of being illegitimate.
ILLEGITIMACY n. the state of being illegitimate.
ILLEGITIMATELYillegitimately adv. In an illegitimate manner.
ILLEGITIMATE adv. not recognized as lawful offspring.
IMMUNOGENICALLYimmunogenically adv. In an immunogenic way.
IMMUNOGENIC adv. producing an immune response.
LEGITIMATELYlegitimately adv. In a legitimate manner, properly.
LEGITIMATE adv. lawful, born in wedlock.
MAGISTERIALLYmagisterially adv. In a magisterial manner; authoritatively.
MAGISTERIAL adv. in the manner of a teacher or magistrate.
MINERALOGICALLYmineralogically adv. With regard to mineralogy.
MINERALOGICAL adv. relating to mineralogy.
MISLEADINGLYmisleadingly adv. In a misleading manner.
MISLEADING adv. MISLEAD, to lead astray.
OVERMULTIPLYINGovermultiplying v. Present participle of overmultiply.
OVERMULTIPLY v. to become too numerous.
SEISMOLOGICALLYseismologically adv. In a seismological manner; in terms of seismology.
SEISMOLOGICAL adv. related to seismology, also SEISMOLOGIC.
SEMIOLOGICALLYsemiologically adv. In terms of semiology.
SEMIOLOGICAL adv. relating to semiology, the study of signs and signals, also SEMIOLOGIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 317 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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