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There are 16 words containing E, G, 3I, N, P and Y

GENOTYPICITIESGENOTYPICITY n. the state of being genotypic.
HYPERIMMUNISINGhyperimmunising v. Present participle of hyperimmunise.
HYPERIMMUNISE v. to induce a high level of immunity or of circulating antibodies in, as by a long course of injections of antigen, also HYPERIMMUNIZE.
HYPERIMMUNIZINGhyperimmunizing v. Present participle of hyperimmunize.
HYPERIMMUNIZE v. to induce a high level of immunity or of circulating antibodies in, as by a long course of injections of antigen, also HYPERIMMUNISE.
HYPOSENSITISINGhyposensitising v. Present participle of hyposensitise.
HYPOSENSITISE v. to cause (a person) to become less sensitive to (a substance producing an allergic reaction), also HYPOSENSITIZE.
HYPOSENSITIZINGhyposensitizing v. Present participle of hyposensitize.
HYPOSENSITIZE v. to lower the sensitivity of, also HYPOSENSITISE.
IMPREGNABILITYimpregnability n. The quality or state of being impregnable; invincibility.
IMPREGNABILITY n. the state of being impregnable.
INEXPUGNABILITYinexpugnability n. The quality of being inexpugnable.
INEXPUGNABILITY n. the quality of being inexpugnable.
OVERSIMPLIFYINGoversimplifying v. Present participle of oversimplify.
OVERSIMPLIFY v. to simplify to such an extent as to bring about distortion, misunderstanding, or error.
PACHYMENINGITISpachymeningitis n. (Medicine) Inflammation of the dura mater of the brain, or of the spinal cord.
PACHYMENINGITIS n. a form of meningitis.
PRESIGNIFYINGpresignifying v. Present participle of presignify.
PRESIGNIFY v. to intimate or signify beforehand.
PYRIDOSTIGMINEpyridostigmine n. (Pharmacology) A parasympathomimetic and reversible cholinesterase inhibitor, used to treat muscle weakness…
PYRIDOSTIGMINESSorry, definition not available.
PYROGENICITIESpyrogenicities n. Plural of pyrogenicity.
PYROGENICITY n. the state of being pyrogenic.
SIDESPLITTINGLYsidesplittingly adv. In a sidesplitting manner; hilariously.
side-splittingly adv. In a side-splitting way, extremely funnily.
SIDESPLITTING adv. extremely funny.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 184 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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