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There are 20 words containing E, G, H, L, N, P, S and U

ENGULPHSengulphs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of engulph.
ENGULPH v. to swallow up completely, also ENGULF, INGULF, INGULPH.
PHLEGMONOUSphlegmonous adj. Of, pertaining to, or containing phlegmon.
PHLEGMONOUS adj. of or like a phlegmon, also PHLEGMONIC, PHLEGMONOID.
SEPULCHRINGsepulchring v. Present participle of sepulchre.
SEPULCHRE v. to bury in a sepulchre, also SEPULCHER.
DESULPHURINGdesulphuring v. Present participle of desulphur.
DESULPHUR v. to remove sulphur from, also DESULFUR.
REPUBLISHINGrepublishing v. Present participle of republish.
REPUBLISH v. to publish again.
SEPULCHERINGsepulchering v. Present participle of sepulcher.
SEPULCHER v. to place in a sepulcher, also SEPULCHRE.
SNOWPLOUGHEDsnowploughed v. Simple past tense and past participle of snowplough.
snow␣ploughed v. Simple past tense and past participle of snow plough.
SNOWPLOUGH v. to clear with a snowplough, also SNOWPLOW.
SULPHURETINGsulphureting v. Present participle of sulphuret.
SULPHURET v. to treat with sulfur, also SULFURET.
UPHOLSTERINGupholstering n. (Uncountable) The padding, springs, webbing, and covers found on furniture.
upholstering n. (Countable) The application of upholstery to furniture.
upholstering v. Present participle of upholster.
ENSEPULCHRINGensepulchring v. Present participle of ensepulchre.
ENSEPULCHRE v. to place in a sepulchre.
PRESCHEDULINGprescheduling v. Present participle of preschedule.
PRESCHEDULE v. to schedule in advance.
SULPHURETTINGsulphuretting v. Present participle of sulphuret.
SULPHURET v. to treat with sulfur, also SULFURET.
DESULPHURATINGdesulphurating v. Present participle of desulphurate.
DESULPHURATE v. to remove sulphur from.
DESULPHURISINGdesulphurising v. Present participle of desulphurise.
DESULPHURISE v. to remove the sulphur from a compound, also DESULFURISE, DESULFURIZE, DESULPHURIZE.
DESULPHURIZINGdesulphurizing v. Present participle of desulphurize.
DESULPHURIZE v. to remove the sulphur from a compound, also DESULFURISE, DESULFURIZE, DESULPHURISE.
PLECTOGNATHOUSplectognathous adj. Alternative form of plectognathic.
PLECTOGNATHOUS adj. belonging to an order of bony fishes including filefishes, also PLECTOGNATHIC.
REUPHOLSTERINGreupholstering v. Present participle of reupholster.
re-upholstering v. Present participle of re-upholster.
REUPHOLSTER v. to upholster again.
SPRIGHTFULNESSsprightfulness n. (Rare) The quality of being sprightful.
SPRIGHTFULNESS n. (obsolete) the state of being sprightful.
NEUROPHYSIOLOGYneurophysiology n. (Physiology, neuroscience) The branch of physiology that deals with the nervous system.
NEUROPHYSIOLOGY n. the physiology of the nervous system.
NEUROPSYCHOLOGYneuropsychology n. A branch of neurology and of clinical psychology that investigates the physiological basis of psychological processes.
neuropsychology n. The facts uncovered thereby, or the body of knowledge thus produced.
NEUROPSYCHOLOGY n. the study of the relation between brain and behaviour.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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