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There are 20 words containing E, G, H, L, 2N, R and U

HUNGERINGLYhungeringly adv. With hunger or yearning.
HUNGERING adv. HUNGER, to crave.
RELAUNCHINGrelaunching v. Present participle of relaunch.
relaunching n. A second or subsequent launching.
RELAUNCH v. to launch again.
HARLEQUININGharlequining v. Present participle of harlequin.
HARLEQUIN v. to play a harlequin.
PRELAUNCHINGPRELAUNCH v. to launch in advance.
THUNDERINGLYthunderingly adv. In a thundering way; with great noise or fury.
thunderingly adv. (Informal) Extremely; marvellously.
THUNDERING adv. resounding.
UNHOLSTERINGunholstering v. Present participle of unholster.
UNHOLSTER v. to remove from a holster.
UNNEIGHBORLYunneighborly adj. Alternative spelling of unneighbourly.
UNNEIGHBORLY adj. not neighborly, also UNNEIGHBOURLY.
ENSEPULCHRINGensepulchring v. Present participle of ensepulchre.
ENSEPULCHRE v. to place in a sepulchre.
OVERLAUNCHINGoverlaunching v. Present participle of overlaunch.
OVERLAUNCH v. in shipbuilding, to join by long splices or scarfs.
RELINQUISHINGrelinquishing v. Present participle of relinquish.
RELINQUISH v. to withdraw or retreat from.
UNCHARNELLINGuncharnelling v. Present participle of uncharnel.
UNCHARNEL v. to remove from a charnel house; to raise from the grave.
UNDERCLOTHINGunderclothing n. Clothing worn next to the skin; underwear.
UNDERCLOTHING n. clothes worn under others, esp. those next to the skin.
UNDERWHELMINGunderwhelming adj. Failing to interest; not as exciting as promised or expected.
underwhelming v. Present participle of underwhelm.
UNDERWHELM v. to fail to impress.
UNNEIGHBOURLYunneighbourly adj. Not neighbourly; antisocial.
unneighbourly adv. In a way that is not neighbourly.
UNNEIGHBOURLY adj. not like a neighbour, also UNNEIGHBORLY.
NEUROHYPNOLOGYneurohypnology n. (Obsolete) hypnotism.
NEUROHYPNOLOGY n. an old name for the science of hypnotism, also NEURYPNOLOGY.
UNDERCLOTHINGSunderclothings n. Plural of underclothing.
UNDERCLOTHING n. clothes worn under others, esp. those next to the skin.
UNRIGHTFULNESSunrightfulness n. The state or quality of being unrightful.
UNRIGHTFULNESS n. the state of being unrightful.
NEIGHBOURLINESSneighbourliness n. Britain standard spelling of neighborliness.
NEIGHBOURLINESS n. the state of being neighbourly, also NEIGHBORLINESS.
UNTHREATENINGLYunthreateningly adv. In an unthreatening way.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 405 words
  • Scrabble in French: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 22 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 32 words

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