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There are 20 words containing E, G, H, I, 2N, T and W

WHITENINGwhitening v. Present participle of whiten.
whitening n. A substance, such as a bleach, used to make something white or whiter.
whitening n. The process of making something white or whiter.
ENSWATHINGenswathing v. Present participle of enswathe.
ENSWATHE v. to wrap around, also INSWATHE.
WHITENINGSwhitenings n. Plural of whitening.
WHITENING n. the act of making white.
ENWREATHINGenwreathing v. Present participle of enwreathe.
ENWREATH v. to encircle with a wreath, also ENWREATHE.
INWREATHINGinwreathing v. Present participle of inwreathe.
INWREATHE v. to surround or encompass as with a wreath, also ENWREATH, ENWREATHE.
PENNYWEIGHTpennyweight n. A unit of mass equal to 24 grains, or 120 of a troy ounce.
PENNYWEIGHT n. an old unit of weight, the twentieth part of an ounce.
UNWEIGHTINGunweighting v. Present participle of unweight.
UNWEIGHTING n. the act of removing weight from.
UNWITHERINGunwithering adj. Not withering; staying fresh and whole.
UNWITHERING adj. not withering.
UNWREATHINGunwreathing v. Present participle of unwreath.
unwreathing v. Present participle of unwreathe.
UNWREATHE v. to take out of a wreathed condition.
PENNYWEIGHTSpennyweights n. Plural of pennyweight.
PENNYWEIGHT n. an old unit of weight, the twentieth part of an ounce.
STONEWASHINGstonewashing v. Present participle of stonewash.
STONEWASH v. to wash with stones to give a worn appearance.
UNWEIGHTINGSUNWEIGHTING n. the act of removing weight from.
DOWNRIGHTNESSdownrightness n. The personal quality of being straightforward and direct in one’s manner.
DOWNRIGHT n. plainspoken, blunt.
HUNTIEGOWKINGHUNTIEGOWK v. to go on a fool's errand.
NIGHTWATCHMENnightwatchmen n. Plural of nightwatchman.
night-watchmen n. Plural of night-watchman (alternative spelling of night watchmen).
night␣watchmen n. Plural of night watchman.
UNDERTHROWINGunderthrowing v. Present participle of underthrow.
INTERWREATHINGinterwreathing v. Present participle of interwreathe.
INTERWREATHE v. to twine in between.
COUNTERWEIGHINGcounterweighing v. Present participle of counterweigh.
COUNTERWEIGH v. to weigh against, counterbalance.
TWENTYSOMETHINGtwentysomething n. A person whose age is between twenty and twenty-nine years, inclusive; someone in their twenties.
twentysomething num. Between twenty and thirty.
twenty-something num. Alternative form of twentysomething.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 629 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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