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There are 14 words containing E, 2G, L, R, S, T and U

GURGLETSgurglets n. Plural of gurglet.
GURGLET n. a porous earthen jar for cooling water by evaporation, also GOGLET, GUGLET.
STRUGGLEstruggle n. A contortion of the body in an attempt to escape or to perform a difficult task.
struggle n. (Figurative) Strife, contention, great effort.
struggle v. To strive, to labour in difficulty, to fight (for or against), to contend.
GURGLIESTGURGLY adj. making bubbling sounds.
STRUGGLEDstruggled v. Simple past tense and past participle of struggle.
STRUGGLE v. to strive vigorously in resistance.
STRUGGLERstruggler n. One who struggles.
STRUGGLER n. one who struggles.
STRUGGLESstruggles n. Plural of struggle.
struggles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of struggle.
STRUGGLE v. to strive vigorously in resistance.
STRUGGLERSstrugglers n. Plural of struggler.
STRUGGLER n. one who struggles.
SLAUGHTERINGslaughtering v. Present participle of slaughter.
slaughtering n. An act of slaughter; a killing.
SLAUGHTER v. to kill, esp. animals for food.
DAUGHTERLINGSdaughterlings n. Plural of daughterling.
DAUGHTERLING n. a small daughter.
SLUGGARDLIESTSLUGGARDLY adj. like a sluggard, a habitually lazy person.
LITURGIOLOGIESLITURGIOLOGY n. the study of liturgical forms and church rituals.
PROTOLANGUAGESprotolanguages n. Plural of protolanguage.
proto-languages n. Plural of proto-language.
PROTOLANGUAGE n. an assumed or recorded ancestral language.
VILLEGGIATURASVILLEGGIATURA n. (Italian) a stay in the country.
UROGYNECOLOGISTurogynecologist n. One who works in the field of urogynecology.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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