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There are 16 words containing E, 2G, I, O, 2S and Y

GYNOGENESISgynogenesis n. (Biology) Female parthenogenesis in which the embryo contains only maternal chromosomes due to the failure…
GYNOGENESIS n. reproduction in which a sperm penetrates an ovum but their nuclei do not fuse, and the embryo develops with maternal chromosomes only.
MYSTAGOGIESmystagogies n. Plural of mystagogy.
MYSTAGOGY n. the doctrines, principles, or practice of a mystagogue.
ENGROSSINGLYengrossingly adv. In an engrossing way.
ENGROSSING adv. ENGROSS, to completely absorb one's attention, also INGROSS.
GLYCOGENESISglycogenesis n. (Biochemistry) The biosynthesis of a sugar.
glycogenesis n. (Biochemistry) The synthesis of glycogen from glucose.
GLYCOGENESIS n. the synthesis of glycogen.
LYSOGENISINGlysogenising v. Present participle of lysogenise.
LYSOGENISE v. to subject to the action of a lysogen, also LYSOGENIZE.
EASYGOINGNESSeasygoingness n. The quality of being easygoing.
EASYGOING n. tolerant.
GYNECOLOGISTSgynecologists n. Plural of gynecologist.
GYNECOLOGIST n. a specialist in gynecology, also GYNAECOLOGIST.
SPHYGMOLOGIESSPHYGMOLOGY n. the study of the pulse.
GLYCOGENOLYSISglycogenolysis n. (Biochemistry) The production of glucose-1-phosphate by splitting a glucose monomer from glycogen using…
GLYCOGENOLYSIS n. the breakdown of glycogen esp. to glucose in the animal body.
GYNAECOLOGISTSgynaecologists n. Plural of gynaecologist.
gynæcologists n. Plural of gynæcologist.
GYNAECOLOGIST n. a specialist in gynaecology, also GYNECOLOGIST.
GYROMAGNETISMSGYROMAGNETISM n. the magnetic properties of rotating electric charges.
GEOHYDROLOGISTSgeohydrologists n. Plural of geohydrologist.
GEOHYDROLOGIST n. one who studies geohydrology.
GLYCONEOGENESISglyconeogenesis n. The biosynthesis of sugars, typically in the liver.
GLYCONEOGENESIS n. the conversion of non-carbohydrate substances, e.g. amino acids, into glucose, also GLUCONEOGENESIS.
HYDROGEOLOGISTShydrogeologists n. Plural of hydrogeologist.
HYDROGEOLOGIST n. a student of hydrogeology.
SPHYGMOGRAPHIESSPHYGMOGRAPHY n. the measurement of the pulse.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 146 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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