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There are 20 words containing E, 2G, I, 2O, T and Y

GEITONOGAMYgeitonogamy n. (Botany) Transfer of pollen grains from the anther of a flower to the stigma of another flower of the same plant.
GEITONOGAMY n. pollination of a flower by another flower on the same plant.
GYNECOLOGISTgynecologist n. (American spelling) (Canadian spelling, common) A physician specializing in diseases of the female reproductive…
GYNECOLOGIST n. a specialist in gynecology, also GYNAECOLOGIST.
ETYMOLOGISINGetymologising v. Present participle of etymologise.
ETYMOLOGISE v. to trace or suggest an etymology for, also ETYMOLOGIZE.
ETYMOLOGIZINGetymologizing v. Present participle of etymologize.
ETYMOLOGIZE v. to discover, formulate, or state an etymology for, also ETYMOLOGISE.
GYNAECOLOGISTgynaecologist n. (Australia, British spelling, Commonwealth, dated in US) (Canadian spelling, also common) A physician…
gynæcologist n. Obsolete typography of gynaecologist.
GYNAECOLOGIST n. a specialist in gynaecology, also GYNECOLOGIST.
GYNECOLOGISTSgynecologists n. Plural of gynecologist.
GYNECOLOGIST n. a specialist in gynecology, also GYNAECOLOGIST.
GEOGNOSTICALLYgeognostically adv. In terms of, or by means of, geognosy.
GEOGNOSTICAL adv. relating to geognosy, knowledge of the structure of the earth, also GEOGNOSTIC.
GEOHYDROLOGISTgeohydrologist n. One who studies geohydrology.
GEOHYDROLOGIST n. one who studies geohydrology.
GLYCOGENOLYTICglycogenolytic adj. Of, pertaining to, or capable of glycogenolysis, the catabolism of glycogen.
GLYCOGENOLYTIC adj. relating to glycogenolysis.
GOITROGENICITYgoitrogenicity n. The quality of being goitrogenic.
GOITROGENICITY n. the state of being goitrogenic.
GYNAECOLOGISTSgynaecologists n. Plural of gynaecologist.
gynæcologists n. Plural of gynæcologist.
GYNAECOLOGIST n. a specialist in gynaecology, also GYNECOLOGIST.
HYDROGEOLOGISThydrogeologist n. A person involved in hydrogeology.
HYDROGEOLOGIST n. a student of hydrogeology.
DEMYTHOLOGISINGdemythologising v. Present participle of demythologise.
DEMYTHOLOGISE v. to remove mythology from in order to arrive at the basic meaning, also DEMYTHOLOGIZE.
DEMYTHOLOGIZINGdemythologizing v. Present participle of demythologize.
DEMYTHOLOGIZE v. to divest of mythological forms in order to uncover the meaning underlying them, also DEMYTHOLOGISE.
GEOHYDROLOGISTSgeohydrologists n. Plural of geohydrologist.
GEOHYDROLOGIST n. one who studies geohydrology.
HYDROGEOLOGISTShydrogeologists n. Plural of hydrogeologist.
HYDROGEOLOGIST n. a student of hydrogeology.
PHYTOGEOGRAPHICphytogeographic adj. Phytogeographical.
PHYTOGEOGRAPHIC adj. relating to phytogeography.
REMYTHOLOGIZINGremythologizing v. Present participle of remythologize.
REMYTHOLOGIZE v. to mythologize again, also REMYTHOLOGISE.
UROGYNECOLOGISTurogynecologist n. One who works in the field of urogynecology.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 248 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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