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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing E, G, 2I, L, N, R and T

FILTERINGfiltering v. Present participle of filter.
filtering n. The process of passing something through a filter.
filtering n. Something that passes through a filter.
GIANTLIERGIANTLY adj. like a giant.
GIRTHLINEgirthline n. The circumference of an animal, measured under the belly and over the back; the part of the animal over…
girthline n. A real or imaginary line around the girth of something.
girthline n. A rope or cable that attaches around the girth of something.
GIRTLINESgirtlines n. Plural of girtline.
GIRTLINE n. a gantline, a rope used in single-block hoist, also GIRTHLINE.
LITTERINGlittering v. Present participle of litter.
littering n. The dropping of litter.
LITTER v. to scatter rubbish about.
LOITERINGloitering v. Present participle of loiter.
loitering n. The action of the verb loiter.
LOITERING adj. standing idly.
RELISTINGrelisting v. Present participle of relist.
relisting n. The act of listing something again; a second or subsequent listing.
RELIST v. to list again.
RETAILINGretailing v. Present participle of retail.
retailing n. The business of selling directly to the consumer; retail.
RETAILING n. the act of retailing.
RETITLINGretitling v. Present participle of retitle.
retitling n. The act of giving something a new title.
RETITLE v. to give a new title to.
TILLERINGtillering n. (Uncountable) The property of grass species to produce multiple side shoots or tillers.
tillering n. (Countable) A side shoot or tiller.
tillering v. Present participle of tiller.
TIRELINGSTIRELING n. a tired animal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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