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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 19 fifteen-letter words containing E, G, 2I, R, 2S and U

AGRIBUSINESSMANagribusinessman n. A businessman involved in agribusiness.
AGRIBUSINESSMAN n. a person who works in or manages an agribusiness.
AGRIBUSINESSMENagribusinessmen n. Plural of agribusinessman.
AGRIBUSINESSMAN n. a person who works in or manages an agribusiness.
CENTRIFUGALISEScentrifugalises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of centrifugalise.
CENTRIFUGALISE v. to subject to centrifugal force, also CENTRIFUGALIZE.
IRRELIGIOUSNESSirreligiousness n. The state or quality of being irreligious; ungodliness.
IRRELIGIOUSNESS n. the state of being irreligious.
MULTIPROCESSINGmultiprocessing n. Computation using more than one processor.
MULTIPROCESSING n. the processing of several computer programs at the same time esp. by a computer system with two or more processors sharing a single memory.
NEIGHBOURLINESSneighbourliness n. Britain standard spelling of neighborliness.
NEIGHBOURLINESS n. the state of being neighbourly, also NEIGHBORLINESS.
NEUROBIOLOGISTSneurobiologists n. Plural of neurobiologist.
NEUROBIOLOGIST n. one who studies neurobiology.
OVERSUBSCRIBINGoversubscribing v. Present participle of oversubscribe.
OVERSUBSCRIBE v. to subscribe for more of than is available.
PRESTIGIOUSNESSprestigiousness n. The state or condition of being prestigious.
PRESTIGIOUSNESS n. the state of being prestigious.
QUICKSILVERINGSQUICKSILVERING n. the mercury on the back of a mirror.
REGULARISATIONSregularisations n. Plural of regularisation.
REGULARISATION n. the act of regularising, also REGULARIZATION.
RELIGIOUSNESSESreligiousnesses n. Plural of religiousness.
RELIGIOUSNESS n. the state of being religious.
SUBCATEGORISINGsubcategorising v. Present participle of subcategorise.
SUBCATEGORISE v. to classify into subcategories, also SUBCATEGORIZE.
SUPERHUMANISINGsuperhumanising v. Present participle of superhumanise.
SUPERHUMANISE v. to make superhuman, also SUPERHUMANIZE.
SUPERORGANICISMsuperorganicism n. (Philosophy) The belief that a culture or society transcends the purely organic nature of its individuals.
SUPERORGANICISM n. the state of being superorganic.
SUPERORGANICISTsuperorganicist n. One who subscribes to the philosophy of superorganicism.
SUPERORGANICIST n. one who studies the superorganic.
UNFORGIVINGNESSunforgivingness n. The quality of being unforgiving.
UNFORGIVINGNESS n. the state of being unforgiving, also UNFORGIVENESS.
UNREMITTINGNESSunremittingness n. The quality of being unremitting.
UNREMITTINGNESS n. the state of being unremitting.
VERTIGINOUSNESSvertiginousness n. The quality of being vertiginous.
VERTIGINOUSNESS n. the state of being vertiginous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 114 words
  • Scrabble in French: 69 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 57 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 97 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 44 words

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