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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 17 fourteen-letter words containing E, G, 2I, L, N, P and Y

COPOLYMERISINGcopolymerising v. Present participle of copolymerise.
COPOLYMERISE v. to make into a copolymer, also COPOLYMERIZE.
COPOLYMERIZINGcopolymerizing v. Present participle of copolymerize.
COPOLYMERIZE v. to make into a copolymer, also COPOLYMERISE.
DEPOLYMERISINGdepolymerising v. Present participle of depolymerise.
DEPOLYMERISE v. to break a large molecule into simpler ones that have the same basic formula, also DEPOLYMERIZE.
DEPOLYMERIZINGdepolymerizing v. Present participle of depolymerize.
depolymerizing adj. That depolymerizes.
DEPOLYMERIZE v. to break a large molecule into simpler ones that have the same basic formula, also DEPOLYMERISE.
DEPRECIATINGLYdepreciatingly adv. So as to disparage or belittle.
DEPRECIATING adv. DEPRECIATE, to lower in estimation or esteem.
ENTERPRISINGLYenterprisingly adv. In an enterprising manner.
ENTERPRISING adv. marked by an independent energetic spirit and by readiness to act.
EPIGENETICALLYepigenetically adv. By means of, or in terms of, epigenesis or epigenetics.
EPIGENETIC adv. resulting from external features, not genetic.
HYPERVIGILANCEhypervigilance n. An enhanced state of sensory sensitivity accompanied by an exaggerated intensity of behaviors whose…
HYPERVIGILANCE n. extreme vigilance.
IMPREGNABILITYimpregnability n. The quality or state of being impregnable; invincibility.
IMPREGNABILITY n. the state of being impregnable.
LYMPHANGITIDESlymphangitides n. Plural of lymphangitis.
LYMPHANGITIS n. inflammation of a lymphatic vessel.
LYMPHANGITISESLYMPHANGITIS n. inflammation of a lymphatic vessel.
SERPENTININGLYserpentiningly adv. With serpentine twistings.
SERPENTINING adv. winding.
SPELLBINDINGLYspellbindingly adv. In a spellbinding manner.
SPELLBINDING adv. SPELLBIND, to bind by or as by a spell.
SPHINGOMYELINSsphingomyelins n. Plural of sphingomyelin.
SPHINGOMYELIN n. a phospholipid derived from sphingosine, occurring in cell membranes.
UNAPPETISINGLYunappetisingly adv. Alternative spelling of unappetizingly.
UNAPPETISING adv. not appetising.
UNAPPETIZINGLYunappetizingly adv. In an unappetizing or unappealing manner.
UNAPPETIZING adv. not appetizing.
UNDESPAIRINGLYundespairingly adv. Without despairing.
UNDESPAIRING adv. not despairing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 81 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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