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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing E, G, L, N, 2S, T and U

BLUESTOCKINGSbluestockings n. Plural of bluestocking.
blue-stockings n. Plural of blue-stocking.
BLUESTOCKING n. an early feminist; an educated or literary woman.
FORGETFULNESSforgetfulness n. The quality of being forgetful; proneness to let slip from the mind.
forgetfulness n. Loss of remembrance or recollection; a ceasing to remember; oblivion.
forgetfulness n. Failure to bear in mind; careless omission; inattention.
FRIGHTFULNESSfrightfulness n. The quality of being frightful.
FRIGHTFULNESS n. the state of being frightful.
GLUTINOSITIESGLUTINOSITY n. the state of being glutinous.
GLUTINOUSNESSglutinousness n. The quality of being glutinous.
GLUTINOUSNESS n. the state of being glutinous.
GUILTLESSNESSguiltlessness n. The state of being guiltless; innocence.
GUILTLESS n. without guilt.
GUTLESSNESSESGUTLESSNESS n. the state of being gutless.
LANGUISHMENTSlanguishments n. Plural of languishment.
LANGUISHMENT n. the act of languishing.
LITIGIOUSNESSlitigiousness n. Property of being litigious, of tending to resort to legal means such as lawsuits.
LITIGIOUSNESS n. the state of being litigious.
MANSLAUGHTERSmanslaughters n. Plural of manslaughter.
MANSLAUGHTER n. the unlawful killing of a human being without express or implied malice.
NUMEROLOGISTSnumerologists n. Plural of numerologist.
NUMEROLOGIST n. a student of numerology.
REGRETFULNESSregretfulness n. The state or condition of being regretful.
REGRETFUL n. full of regret.
SINGULARITIESsingularities n. Plural of singularity.
SINGULARITY n. the fact or state of being singular.
SKELETOGENOUSskeletogenous adj. Forming or producing parts of the skeleton.
SKELETOGENOUS adj. producing a skeleton.
SOMERSAULTINGsomersaulting v. Present participle of somersault.
somersaulting n. An instance of performing a somersault.
SOMERSAULT v. to perform a somersault, also SOMERSET, SUMMERSAULT, SUMMERSET.
SUBCLUSTERINGsubclustering n. The creation of a subcluster.
SUBCLUSTER v. to form part of a cluster of galaxies.
UNRESISTINGLYunresistingly adv. In an unresisting way; without resistance.
UNRESISTING adv. not resisting.
UNSIGHTLINESSunsightliness n. The state of being unsightly.
UNSIGHTLINESS n. the state of being unsightly.
USTILAGINEOUSustilagineous adj. Relating to the ustilago fungus.
USTILAGINEOUS adj. relating to a genus of basidiomycetous fungi, of the family Ustilaginaceae, also USTILAGINOUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 80 words
  • Scrabble in French: 60 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 28 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 13 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 21 words

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