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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing E, G, L, N, O, S, T and Y

AGRANULOCYTESagranulocytes n. Plural of agranulocyte.
AGRANULOCYTE n. a blood disorder in which there is a marked decrease in granulocytes.
ELECTROLYSINGelectrolysing v. Present participle of electrolyse.
ELECTROLYSE v. to subject to electrolysis, also ELECTROLYZE.
ENZYMOLOGISTSenzymologists n. Plural of enzymologist.
ENZYMOLOGIST n. a specialist in enzymology.
ETYMOLOGISINGetymologising v. Present participle of etymologise.
ETYMOLOGISE v. to trace or suggest an etymology for, also ETYMOLOGIZE.
GLYCOPROTEINSglycoproteins n. Plural of glycoprotein.
GLYCOPROTEIN n. any of the compounds formed by the conjugation of a protein with a substance containing a carbohydrate group other than a nucleic acid, also GLUCOPROTEIN.
GYNAECOLOGISTgynaecologist n. (Australia, British spelling, Commonwealth, dated in US) (Canadian spelling, also common) A physician…
gynæcologist n. Obsolete typography of gynaecologist.
GYNAECOLOGIST n. a specialist in gynaecology, also GYNECOLOGIST.
GYNECOLOGISTSgynecologists n. Plural of gynecologist.
GYNECOLOGIST n. a specialist in gynecology, also GYNAECOLOGIST.
LARYNGOTOMIESlaryngotomies n. Plural of laryngotomy.
LARYNGOTOMY n. surgical removal of the larynx.
PROSELYTISINGproselytising v. Present participle of proselytise.
PROSELYTISE v. to recruit or convert esp. to a new faith, institution, or cause, also PROSELYTIZE.
PROSELYTIZINGproselytizing v. Present participle of proselytize.
proselytizing n. Proselytism.
PROSELYTIZE v. to recruit or convert esp. to a new faith, institution, or cause, also PROSELYTISE.
PROTEOGLYCANSproteoglycans n. Plural of proteoglycan.
PROTEOGLYCAN n. any of a class of glycoproteins of high molecular weight that are found esp. in the extracellular matrix of connective tissue.
QUESTIONINGLYquestioningly adv. In a questioning manner.
SALPINGECTOMYsalpingectomy n. (Gynaecology, surgery) Surgical removal of the Fallopian tubes.
SALPINGECTOMY n. surgical removal of the salpinx.
SEDIMENTOLOGYsedimentology n. (Geology) The study of natural sediments and of the processes by which they are formed.
SEDIMENTOLOGY n. the study of sediment.
SNOLLYGOSTERSsnollygosters n. Plural of snollygoster.
SNOLLYGOSTER n. a shrewd unprincipled person, esp. a dishonest politician.
STORYTELLINGSstorytellings n. Plural of storytelling.
STORYTELLING n. the craft of telling stories.
SYNECOLOGISTSsynecologists n. Plural of synecologist.
SYNECOLOGIST n. a specialist in synecology.
TEMPORISINGLYtemporisingly adv. Alternative form of temporizingly.
UNRIGHTEOUSLYunrighteously adv. In an unrighteous manner.
UNRIGHTEOUS adv. not righteous.
VERTIGINOUSLYvertiginously adv. In a vertiginous manner.
VERTIGINOUS adv. causing or tending to cause dizziness.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 75 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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