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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing E, G, H, M, N, O and 2S

CHEESEMONGERScheesemongers n. Plural of cheesemonger.
CHEESEMONGER n. one who sells cheeses.
GENTILSHOMMESGENTILHOMME n. (French) a nobleman, a gentleman.
HEMATOGENESIShematogenesis n. (Hematology, cytology) Blood cell formation in the human body, especially the bone marrow, hematopoiesis.
HEMATOGENESIS n. the production of blood, also HAEMATOGENESIS.
HOMESOURCINGSHOMESOURCING n. the transfer of service industry employment from offices to home-based employees with appropriate telephone and Internet facilities, also HOMESHORING.
HOMESTEADINGSHOMESTEADING n. (US) a scheme by which people are permitted to buy, or live rent-free in, semi-derelict buildings and improve them with the help of Government grants, etc.
HOUSEWARMINGShousewarmings n. Plural of housewarming.
house-warmings n. Plural of house-warming.
house␣warmings n. Plural of house warming.
LIGHTSOMENESSlightsomeness n. (Archaic) The state or quality of being lightsome.
LIGHTSOME n. having light; not dark or gloomy.
MEETINGHOUSESmeetinghouses n. Plural of meetinghouse.
meeting␣houses n. Plural of meeting house.
MEETINGHOUSE n. the place in which certain religious groups, esp. Quakers, hold their meetings for worship.
MESOGNATHISMSMESOGNATHISM n. the state of having slightly projecting jaws, also MESOGNATHY.
MORPHOGENESESmorphogeneses n. Plural of morphogenesis.
MORPHOGENESIS n. the origin or development of a body part or organ.
MORPHOGENESISmorphogenesis n. (Biology) The differentiation of tissues and subsequent growth of structures in an organism.
MORPHOGENESIS n. the origin or development of a body part or organ.
PHRASEMONGERSphrasemongers n. Plural of phrasemonger.
PHRASEMONGER n. a maker of wordy or fine-sounding phrases, also PHRASEMAKER.
PHYSIOGNOMIESphysiognomies n. Plural of physiognomy.
PHYSIOGNOMY n. the general appearance of anything, esp. the face, also FISNOMIE, PHISNOMY, VISNOMIE, VISNOMY.
PHYSOSTIGMINEphysostigmine n. (Biochemistry, pharmacology) A parasympathomimetic, a reversible cholinesterase inhibitor alkaloid of…
PHYSOSTIGMINE n. an alkaloid found in the Calabar bean used esp. in eye drops to reduce pressure inside the eyeball, aka eserine, also PHYSOSTIGMIN.
SIPHONOGAMIESSIPHONOGAMY n. the state of reproducing by seed.
SPHYGMOPHONESsphygmophones n. Plural of sphygmophone.
SPHYGMOPHONE n. an instrument for hearing the pulse.
THERMOGENESESTHERMOGENESIS n. the production of heat.
THERMOGENESISthermogenesis n. (Biology) The generation of heat in an organism, especially by biochemical means.
THERMOGENESIS n. the production of heat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 56 words
  • Scrabble in French: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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