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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing E, G, H, O, P, 2S and Y

GEOPHYSICISTgeophysicist n. (Geology, physics) A physicist who specialises in geophysics.
GEOPHYSICIST n. a student of geophysics.
GYMNOSOPHIESGYMNOSOPHY n. deep contemplation performed while naked.
HYPNOGENESESHYPNOGENESIS n. production of the hypnotic state, also HYPNOGENY.
HYPNOGENESIShypnogenesis n. The process of inducing hypnosis.
HYPNOGENESIS n. production of the hypnotic state, also HYPNOGENY.
PHAGOCYTISESphagocytises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of phagocytise.
PHAGOCYTISE v. to consume by phagocytosis, also PHAGOCYTIZE.
PHAGOCYTOSESphagocytoses n. Plural of phagocytosis.
PHAGOCYTOSIS n. the destruction of harmful elements by phagocytes.
PHYLOGENESESphylogeneses n. Plural of phylogenesis.
PHYLOGENESIS n. the evolutionary development of a species or other group of organisms through a succession of forms.
PHYLOGENESISphylogenesis n. Evolutionary development of a species.
PHYLOGENESIS n. the evolutionary development of a species or other group of organisms through a succession of forms.
PHYSIOLOGIESphysiologies n. Plural of physiology.
PHYSIOLOGY n. a branch of biology that deals with the functions and activities of life or of living matter (as organs, tissues, or cells) and of the physical and chemical phenomena involved.
PHYTOGENESESphytogeneses n. Plural of phytogenesis.
PHYTOGENESIS n. the origin and development of plants.
PHYTOGENESISphytogenesis n. (Biology) The origin and evolutionary development of plants.
phytogenesis n. (Biology) The development of a plant from the embryo.
PHYTOGENESIS n. the origin and development of plants.
PROPHESYINGSprophesyings n. Plural of prophesying.
PROPHESYING n. the act of prophesying.
PSYCHAGOGUESpsychagogues n. Plural of psychagogue.
PSYCHAGOGUE n. a conductor of souls to the underworld.
PSYCHOGNOSESPSYCHOGNOSIS n. the use of hypnosis to study mental phenomena; the study of personality by observation of outward bodily sign.
PSYCHOGONIESpsychogonies n. Plural of psychogony.
PSYCHOGONY n. development of the mind or soul.
PSYCHOLOGIESpsychologies n. Plural of psychology.
PSYCHOLOGY n. the science of mind and behavior.
PSYCHOLOGISEpsychologise v. Alternative form of psychologize.
PSYCHOLOGISE v. to speculate in psychological terms or on psychological motivations, also PSYCHOLOGIZE.
SEISMOGRAPHYseismography n. The measurement and recording of earthquakes and other ground vibrations.
seismography n. The study of these records, seismology.
SEISMOGRAPHY n. measurement by use of the seismograph.
SPHYGMOSCOPEsphygmoscope n. A sphygmograph.
SPHYGMOSCOPE n. an instrument for making arterial pulsations visible.
ZYGAPOPHYSESzygapophyses n. Plural of zygapophysis.
ZYGAPOPHYSIS n. any of the yoke-pieces or articulations of the vertebrae.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 34 words
  • Scrabble in French: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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