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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing E, G, H, L, N, O, R and T

ANTHOLOGISERanthologiser n. Alternative spelling of anthologizer.
ANTHOLOGISER n. one who makes an anthology, also ANTHOLOGIZER.
ANTHOLOGIZERanthologizer n. Agent noun of anthologize; one who creates an anthology.
ANTHOLOGIZER n. one who makes an anthology, also ANTHOLOGISER.
COUNTERLIGHTCOUNTERLIGHT n. a light opposite to any object, disturbing the effect of its light.
DOWNLIGHTERSdownlighters n. Plural of downlighter.
DOWNLIGHTER n. a downward directed light-fitting, attached to or recessed in the ceiling.
ESTRANGHELOSESTRANGHELO n. a cursive form of the old Syrian alphabet, also ESTRANGELO.
GERONTOPHILEgerontophile n. A person sexually attracted to elderly men.
gerontophile n. A person with primary or exclusive sexual attraction towards the elderly.
GERONTOPHILE n. a person who experiences gerontophilia, a sexual attraction towards old people, also GERONTOPHIL.
GERONTOPHILSGERONTOPHIL n. a person who experiences gerontophilia, a sexual attraction towards old people, also GERONTOPHILE.
HEADSTRONGLYheadstrongly adv. In a headstrong manner.
HEADSTRONG adv. impetuous.
MOONLIGHTERSmoonlighters n. Plural of moonlighter.
MOONLIGHTER n. one who takes an additional job.
NEPHROLOGISTnephrologist n. A physician whose speciality is nephrology.
NEPHROLOGIST n. a student of nephrology.
OVERLENGTHENoverlengthen v. (Transitive) To lengthen too much.
OVERLENGTHEN v. to lengthen excessively.
OVERLIGHTINGoverlighting v. Present participle of overlight.
OVERLIGHT v. to light too much.
PHRENOLOGISTphrenologist n. An adherent or practitioner of phrenology.
PHRENOLOGIST n. a practitioner of phrenology.
SMOTHERINGLYsmotheringly adv. In a smothering manner; oppressively.
SMOTHERING adv. suffocating.
STRANGLEHOLDstranglehold n. A grip or control so strong as to stifle or cut off.
stranglehold v. To hold a tight grip or control.
STRANGLEHOLD n. an illegal wrestling hold by which one's opponent is choked.
UNHOLSTERINGunholstering v. Present participle of unholster.
UNHOLSTER v. to remove from a holster.
UPHOLSTERINGupholstering n. (Uncountable) The padding, springs, webbing, and covers found on furniture.
upholstering n. (Countable) The application of upholstery to furniture.
upholstering v. Present participle of upholster.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 80 words
  • Scrabble in French: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 9 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 39 words

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