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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing E, G, I, M, 2O, R and T

ERGONOMISTSergonomists n. Plural of ergonomist.
ERGONOMIST n. one who engages in ergonomics, the study of people at work.
GEOTROPISMSgeotropisms n. Plural of geotropism.
GEOTROPISM n. a disposition to turn or incline towards the earth; the influence of gravity in determining the direction of growth of an organ.
GLOMERATIONglomeration n. The act of forming or gathering into a ball or round mass; conglomeration.
glomeration n. That which is formed into a ball.
GLOMERATION n. the act of gathering into a ball.
GONIOMETERSgoniometers n. Plural of goniometer.
GONIOMETER n. an instrument for measuring angles; direction finder.
GONIOMETRICgoniometric adj. Of, relating to, or determined by a goniometer.
GONIOMETRIC adj. relating to measurement by goniometer.
HOMEPORTINGhomeporting v. Present participle of homeport.
HOMEPORT v. to assign a ship to a port.
ISOGEOTHERMisogeotherm n. A geoisotherm.
ISOGEOTHERM n. a line connecting points of equal subterranean temperature, also ISOGEOTHERMAL, ISOGEOTHERMIC.
METROLOGIESmetrologies n. Plural of metrology.
METROLOGY n. the science of weights and measures.
METROLOGISTmetrologist n. One who studies or practices metrology.
METROLOGIST n. a student of metrology.
MONTGOLFIERMontgolfier prop.n. A surname from French.
Montgolfier n. (Dated) Ellipsis of Montgolfier balloon.: a hot-air balloon.
MONTGOLFIER n. (French) a balloon using fire for propulsion.
MOONLIGHTERmoonlighter n. A person who moonlights, or works a second job on the side.
moonlighter n. (US, regional) One who serenades by moonlight.
moonlighter n. A moonshiner, who makes illicit alcohol.
OUTHOMERINGouthomering v. Present participle of outhomer.
OUTHOMER v. to surpass in hitting home runs.
OVEREMOTINGoveremoting v. Present participle of overemote.
OVEREMOTE v. to emote excessively.
RESMOOTHINGresmoothing v. Present participle of resmooth.
RESMOOTH v. to smooth again.
TERMINOLOGYterminology n. A treatise on terms, especially those used in a specialised field.
terminology n. The set of terms actually used in any business, art, science, or the like; nomenclature; technical terms.
terminology n. The scientific study of such terms.
TRIMETROGONtrimetrogon n. A single assembly of three cameras at differing angles, used for aerial photographic surveys.
trimetrogon n. An image produced by this means.
TRIMETROGON n. a technique of aerial photography using three cameras, which increases the range and detail of the coverage.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 45 words
  • Scrabble in French: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 25 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 74 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 47 words

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