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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing E, G, H, 2I, 2N and T

BENIGHTINGbenighting v. Present participle of benight.
benighting n. A plunging into darkness or ignorance.
BENIGHTING n. being overtaken with night.
BETHINKINGbethinking n. The act of thinking, thinking about, considering, reflecting, or remembering.
bethinking v. Present participle of bethink.
BETHINK v. to call to mind.
ENLIGHTINGenlighting v. Present participle of enlight.
ENLIGHT v. to shed light on.
HERNIATINGherniating v. Present participle of herniate.
HERNIATE v. to protrude through an abnormal body opening.
INEARTHINGinearthing v. Present participle of inearth.
INEARTH v. (archaic) to inter.
INHERITINGinheriting v. Present participle of inherit.
INHERIT v. to receive by legal succession.
KITCHENINGkitchening v. Present participle of kitchen.
kitchening n. Food preparation.
kitchening n. The embellishment of basic food items.
LIGHTENINGlightening v. Present participle of lighten.
lightening n. The act or result of making something light or lighter.
lightening n. (Medicine) The sensation caused by the descent of the uterus into the pelvic cavity before the onset of labour.
RETHINKINGrethinking v. Present participle of rethink.
rethinking n. The act of thinking again or differently.
RETHINKING n. the act of thinking again.
RIGHTENINGrightening v. Present participle of righten.
RIGHTEN v. (archaic) to set right.
THICKENINGthickening n. The process of making something, or becoming, thick or viscous.
thickening n. A substance, usually a source of starch, used to thicken a sauce.
thickening n. A thickened part of a structure.
THINGINESSthinginess n. The quality of being a thing, or like a thing; tangible reality; thinghood.
THINGINESS n. reality, objectivity, also THINGLINESS.
TIGHTENINGtightening v. Present participle of tighten.
tightening n. The act or process of making more tight.
TIGHTENING n. the act of making tight.
TITHINGMENtithingmen n. Plural of tithingman.
tithing-men n. Plural of tithing-man.
TITHINGMAN n. the chief man of a tithing; one elected to preside over the tithing.
TREPHININGtrephining v. Present participle of trephine.
trephining n. The use of a trephine.
TREPHINING n. a surgical cutting open of the skull.
WHITENINGSwhitenings n. Plural of whitening.
WHITENING n. the act of making white.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 34 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 6 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 9 words

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