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There are 13 words containing E, F, 3R, S and 2T

FRITTERERSfritterers n. Plural of fritterer.
FRITTERER n. one who fritters.
FRUSTRATERfrustrater n. One who or which frustrates.
FRUSTRATER n. one who frustrates.
ASTROTURFERastroturfer n. One who engages in astroturfing, the disguising of an orchestrated campaign as a “grass-roots” event.
ASTROTURFER n. one who engages in ASTROTURFING.
FRUSTRATERSfrustraters n. Plural of frustrater.
FRUSTRATER n. one who frustrates.
ASTROTURFERSastroturfers n. Plural of astroturfer.
ASTROTURFER n. one who engages in ASTROTURFING.
INFRASTRUCTUREinfrastructure n. (Systems theory) An underlying base or foundation especially for an organization or system.
infrastructure n. The basic facilities, services and installations needed for the functioning of a community or society.
INFRASTRUCTURE n. the underlying foundation or basic framework (as of a system or organization).
PRETERPERFECTSpreterperfects n. Plural of preterperfect.
PRETERPERFECT n. the perfect tense.
REFRACTOMETERSrefractometers n. Plural of refractometer.
REFRACTOMETER n. an instrument for measuring the refraction of light.
AUTOTRANSFORMERautotransformer n. (Electrical engineering) A transformer with a single winding, its output being taken from taps.
AUTOTRANSFORMER n. a transformer in which the primary and secondary coils have part or all of their turns in common.
INFRASTRUCTURESinfrastructures n. Plural of infrastructure.
INFRASTRUCTURE n. the underlying foundation or basic framework (as of a system or organization).
INTERFEROMETERSinterferometers n. Plural of interferometer.
INTERFEROMETER n. an instrument for analysing spectra of light.
REFRACTOMETRIESrefractometries n. Plural of refractometry.
REFRACTOMETRY n. measurement by refractometer.
RETROREFLECTORSretroreflectors n. Plural of retroreflector.
RETROREFLECTOR n. a device that reflects radiation so that the paths of the reflected rays are parallel to those of the incident rays.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 467 words
  • Scrabble in French: 66 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 38 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 108 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 31 words

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