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There are 20 words containing E, F, I, M, O, 2R and V

VERMIFORMvermiform adj. In the shape of a worm.
VERMIFORM adj. having the form of a worm e.g. vermiform appendix.
VERSIFORMversiform adj. (Obsolete) Various in form.
VERSIFORM adj. varying in form.
OVERINFORMoverinform v. To inform, excessively.
OVERINFORM v. to inform excessively.
VIPERIFORMVIPERIFORM adj. shaped like a snake or viper.
DIVERSIFORMdiversiform adj. Of different or varying forms.
DIVERSIFORM adj. of diverse form.
OVERINFORMSoverinforms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overinform.
OVERINFORM v. to inform excessively.
REFORMATIVEreformative adj. That serves to reform or correct.
REFORMATIVE adj. intended or tending to reform.
VERRUCIFORMverruciform adj. Having a shape like a wart or warts.
VERRUCIFORM adj. shaped like a wart; wartlike.
OVERFAMILIARoverfamiliar adj. Common or repeated to the point of being unnoticed or annoying.
overfamiliar adj. (Used with “with”) So acquainted with something, that one doesn’t notice it, or is annoyed by it.
overfamiliar adj. Overly friendly or intimate.
OVERINFORMEDoverinformed v. Simple past tense and past participle of overinform.
OVERINFORM v. to inform excessively.
PERFORMATIVEperformative adj. (Philosophy, linguistics) Being enacted as it is said.
performative adj. Being done as a performance in order to create an impression.
performative n. A performative utterance.
PREFORMATIVEpreformative n. Chiefly in Semitic languages: a formative letter, syllable, etc., at the beginning of a word.
preformative adj. Of or pertaining to preformation.
preformative adj. Of a thing: forming or affecting something that comes later.
OVERINFORMINGoverinforming v. Present participle of overinform.
OVERINFORM v. to inform excessively.
PERFORMATIVESperformatives n. Plural of performative.
PERFORMATIVE n. such a statement, as opposed to constative.
PREFORMATIVESpreformatives n. Plural of preformative.
PREFORMATIVE n. a prefixture in Semitic languages.
OVERREFINEMENToverrefinement n. Excessive refinement.
OVERREFINEMENT n. excessive refinement.
PERFORMATIVELYperformatively adv. In a performative manner.
PERFORMATIVE adv. of a statement or verb that itself constitutes the action described, e.g. I confess my ignorance, also PERFORMATORY.
TRANSFORMATIVEtransformative adj. That causes a transformation; causing a notable and lasting change.
transformative adj. (Linguistics) Chiefly in transformative-generative: of or relating to a theory of generative grammar…
TRANSFORMATIVE adj. having the power to transform.
OVERFAMILIARITYoverfamiliarity n. The state of being overfamiliar.
OVERFAMILIARITY n. the state of being overfamiliar.
OVERREFINEMENTSoverrefinements n. Plural of overrefinement.
OVERREFINEMENT n. excessive refinement.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 186 words
  • Scrabble in French: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 38 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 141 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 36 words

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