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There are 19 words containing E, F, I, L, O, 2T and U

ANGUSTIFOLIATEangustifoliate adj. (Botany) Having narrow leaves.
ANGUSTIFOLIATE adj. narrow-leaved.
COUNTERFEITLYcounterfeitly adv. In a counterfeit way; falsely.
COUNTERFEIT adv. imitation, also COUNTERFECT.
DISCONTENTFULdiscontentful adj. Full of discontent.
DISCONTENTFUL adj. full of discontent.
FEUILLETONISTfeuilletonist n. A writer of feuilletons.
FEUILLETONIST n. one who writes feuilletons.
FEUILLETONISTICfeuilletonistic adj. Characteristic of feuilletonism.
FEUILLETONISTIC adj. related to feuilletonism.
FEUILLETONISTSfeuilletonists n. Plural of feuilletonist.
FEUILLETONIST n. one who writes feuilletons.
FLIRTATIOUSNESSflirtatiousness n. The quality of being flirtatious.
FLIRTATIOUS n. given to flirting.
FLITTERMOUSEflittermouse n. (Now chiefly dialectal) A bat (flying mammal).
flitter-mouse n. Alternative form of flittermouse.
FLITTERMOUSE n. (dialect) a bat.
FLUORAPATITEfluorapatite n. (Mineralogy) A calcium halophosphate mineral, in which fluoride replaces the hydroxide of apatite, that…
FLUORAPATITE n. a mineral consisting of calcium phosphate fluoride, the most common form of apatite.
FLUORAPATITESfluorapatites n. Plural of fluorapatite.
FLUORAPATITE n. a mineral consisting of calcium phosphate fluoride, the most common form of apatite.
FUNCTIONALITIESfunctionalities n. Plural of functionality.
FUNCTIONALITY n. the state of being functional.
MULTIFOLIATEmultifoliate adj. (Botany) Having many leaves.
MULTIFOLIATE adj. having many leaves.
MULTIFOLIOLATEmultifoliolate adj. (Botany) Having multiple leaflets.
MULTIFOLIOLATE adj. having many folioles.
MULTIFORMITIESmultiformities n. Plural of multiformity.
MULTIFORMITY n. the state of being multiform.
TENTACULIFEROUStentaculiferous adj. (Zoology) Producing or bearing tentacles.
TENTACULIFEROUS adj. having tentacles.
TETRAFLUORIDEtetrafluoride n. (Chemistry) Any chloride containing four fluorine atoms in each molecule.
TETRAFLUORIDE n. a fluoride containing four atoms of fluorine.
TETRAFLUORIDEStetrafluorides n. Plural of tetrafluoride.
TETRAFLUORIDE n. a fluoride containing four atoms of fluorine.
THIOSULFATEthiosulfate n. (Chemistry) any salt or ester of thiosulfuric acid.
THIOSULFATE n. any salt of thiosulphuric acid, also THIOSULPHATE.
THIOSULFATESthiosulfates n. Plural of thiosulfate.
THIOSULFATE n. any salt of thiosulphuric acid, also THIOSULPHATE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 818 words
  • Scrabble in French: 103 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 59 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 259 words

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