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There are 14 words containing E, F, H, 2L, O, S and T

SOFTSHELLsoftshell adj. (Zoology) Having a relatively soft shell.
softshell n. A softshell turtle (Trionychidae).
SOFTSHELL adj. moderate in policy or principle.
SOFTSHELLSsoftshells n. Plural of softshell.
SOFTSHELL n. a moderate.
FATHOMLESSLYfathomlessly adv. In a fathomless manner, to a fathomless degree.
FATHOMLESS adv. incapable of being fathomed.
FOTHERGILLASFOTHERGILLA n. any plant of the Fothergilla genus of North American deciduous shrubs of the witch-hazel family.
LOATHFULNESSloathfulness n. (Rare) The condition of being loathful; reluctance.
LOATHFULNESS n. the state of being loathful.
SLOTHFULNESSslothfulness n. (Uncountable) The state or quality of being slothful.
slothfulness n. (Countable, rare) The result or product of being slothful.
SLOTHFULNESS n. the state of being slothful.
FLUGELHORNISTflugelhornist n. One who plays the flugelhorn.
FLUGELHORNIST n. one who plays the flugelhorn.
SULFATHIAZOLEsulfathiazole n. (Pharmacology) A short-acting sulfa drug, a common oral and topical antimicrobial prior to the discovery…
SULFATHIAZOLE n. a sulphonamide formerly used in human medicine against staphylococcal infection (now only used in veterinary medicine), also SULPHATHIAZOLE.
FLUGELHORNISTSflugelhornists n. Plural of flugelhornist.
FLUGELHORNIST n. one who plays the flugelhorn.
LOATHFULNESSESLOATHFULNESS n. the state of being loathful.
SLOTHFULNESSESslothfulnesses n. Plural of slothfulness.
SLOTHFULNESS n. the state of being slothful.
SULFATHIAZOLESsulfathiazoles n. Plural of sulfathiazole.
SULFATHIAZOLE n. a sulphonamide formerly used in human medicine against staphylococcal infection (now only used in veterinary medicine), also SULPHATHIAZOLE.
HEMOFLAGELLATEShemoflagellates n. Plural of hemoflagellate.
HEMOFLAGELLATE n. a flagellate (as a trypanosome) that is a blood parasite, also HAEMOFLAGELLATE.
HETEROFLEXIBLESheteroflexibles n. Plural of heteroflexible.
HETEROFLEXIBLE n. one of flexible sexual orientation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 526 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 6 words
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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