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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 19 fourteen-letter words containing E, F, 2I, L, N and 2T

ANGUSTIFOLIATEangustifoliate adj. (Botany) Having narrow leaves.
ANGUSTIFOLIATE adj. narrow-leaved.
ANTIFEDERALISTantifederalist n. Alternative spelling of anti-federalist.
anti-federalist n. One who opposes federalism.
anti-federalist adj. Opposing federalism.
ANTIFILIBUSTERantifilibuster adj. (US, politics) Opposing or preventing filibuster.
ANTIFILIBUSTER n. a person or method in opposition to filibustering.
ANTIREFLECTIONantireflection adj. (Optics) That which inhibits reflection.
ANTIREFLECTION adj. designed to counter reflection.
ANTIREFLECTIVEantireflective adj. (Optics) Preventing visible reflection.
ANTIREFLECTIVE adj. designed to counter reflection.
FERMENTABILITYfermentability n. The condition of being fermentable.
FERMENTABILITY n. the quality of being fermentable.
FERTILISATIONSfertilisations n. Plural of fertilisation.
FERTILISATION n. the process by which an egg is made capable of generating offspring, also FERTILIZATION.
FERTILIZATIONSfertilizations n. Plural of fertilization.
FERTILIZATION n. the process by which an egg is made capable of generating offspring, also FERTILISATION.
FEUILLETONISTSfeuilletonists n. Plural of feuilletonist.
FEUILLETONIST n. one who writes feuilletons.
FICTIONALITIESfictionalities n. Plural of fictionality.
FICTIONALITY n. the state of being fictional.
INEFFECTUALITYineffectuality n. The state or condition of being ineffectual.
INEFFECTUALITY n. the state of being ineffectual.
INTERFERENTIALinterferential adj. Of or pertaining to interference (in all senses).
INTERFERENTIAL adj. of the nature of interference.
INTERFERTILITYinterfertility n. The quality of being interfertile.
INTERFERTILITY n. the state of being interfertile.
INTERFOLIATINGinterfoliating v. Present participle of interfoliate.
INTERFOLIATE v. to interleave.
MULTIFILAMENTSmultifilaments n. Plural of multifilament.
MULTIFILAMENT n. something containing many filaments.
REFERENTIALITYreferentiality n. The condition of being referential.
REFERENTIALITY n. the state of being referential.
ULTRAEFFICIENTultraefficient adj. Extremely efficient; of utmost efficiency.
ULTRAEFFICIENT adj. extremely efficient.
ULTRAFILTERINGultrafiltering v. Present participle of ultrafilter.
ULTRAFILTER v. to pass through an ultrafilter.
WEIGHTLIFTINGSWEIGHTLIFTING n. the sport of lifting weights competitively.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 106 words
  • Scrabble in French: 38 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 60 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 128 words

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