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There are 20 words containing 2E, 3N and 3T

ANTISENTIMENTALantisentimental adj. Opposing or shunning sentimentality.
ANTISENTIMENTAL adj. opposed to the sentimental.
CONTENTMENTcontentment n. The state or degree of being contented or satisfied.
contentment n. Happiness in one’s situation; satisfaction.
contentment n. The neurophysiological experience of satisfaction and being at ease in one’s situation, body, and/or mind.
CONTENTMENTScontentments n. Plural of contentment.
CONTENTMENT n. the state of being contented.
DISCONTENTMENTdiscontentment n. A state of dissatisfaction or discontent.
DISCONTENTMENT n. discontent.
DISCONTENTMENTSdiscontentments n. Plural of discontentment.
DISCONTENTMENT n. discontent.
ENTERTAINMENTentertainment n. An activity designed to give pleasure, enjoyment, diversion, amusement, or relaxation to an audience…
entertainment n. A show put on for the enjoyment or amusement of others.
entertainment n. (Obsolete) Maintenance or support.
ENTERTAINMENTSentertainments n. Plural of entertainment.
ENTERTAINMENT n. a public performance.
INATTENTIVENESSinattentiveness n. The property of being inattentive.
INATTENTIVENESS n. the state of being inattentive.
INSTANTANEITIESinstantaneities n. Plural of instantaneity.
INSTANTANEITY n. the state of being instantaneous.
INTERPENETRANTinterpenetrant adj. Mutually penetrating.
INTERPENETRANT adj. mutually penetrating.
INTERTANGLEMENTintertanglement n. The entanglement together of more than one thing.
INTERTANGLEMENT n. mutual entanglement.
INTERTWINEMENTintertwinement n. A twining together.
INTERTWINEMENT n. the state of being intertwined.
INTERTWINEMENTSintertwinements n. Plural of intertwinement.
INTERTWINEMENT n. the state of being intertwined.
INTERVENTIONISTinterventionist adj. Of or pertaining to interventionism, or an advocate thereof.
interventionist n. One who practices or defends interventionism.
INTERVENTIONIST n. relating to interventionism.
MISCONTENTMENTmiscontentment n. Discontent; dissatisfaction.
MISCONTENTMENT n. lack of contentment.
MISCONTENTMENTSmiscontentments n. Plural of miscontentment.
MISCONTENTMENT n. lack of contentment.
NONTREATMENTnontreatment n. Lack or absence of medical treatment.
NONTREATMENT n. absence of treatment.
NONTREATMENTSnontreatments n. Plural of nontreatment.
NONTREATMENT n. absence of treatment.
TENNANTITEtennantite n. (Mineralogy) A sulfide mineral of iron, copper and arsenic that is an ore of copper.
TENNANTITE n. a blackish lead-gray mineral, a sulphide of arsenic and copper.
TENNANTITEStennantites n. Plural of tennantite.
TENNANTITE n. a blackish lead-gray mineral, a sulphide of arsenic and copper.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 555 words
  • Scrabble in French: 165 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 20 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 137 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 21 words

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