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There are 16 words containing 2E, H, 2R and 3T

COUNTERTHREATcounterthreat n. A threat made in response to an earlier threat by another party.
COUNTERTHREAT n. a threat made in response to another threat.
COUNTERTHREATScounterthreats n. Plural of counterthreat.
COUNTERTHREAT n. a threat made in response to another threat.
CREDITWORTHIESTCREDITWORTHY adj. financially sound enough to justify the extension of credit.
EARTHSHATTERINGearthshattering adj. Earthshaking.
earth-shattering adj. Alternative spelling of earthshattering.
EARTHSHATTERING adj. of great importance or consequence.
KATATHERMOMETERkatathermometer n. Alternative spelling of kata thermometer.
kata-thermometer n. Alternative spelling of kata thermometer.
Kata-thermometer n. Alternative spelling of kata thermometer.
TECHNOSTRUCTUREtechnostructure n. A corporate structure including technicians or other skilled professionals.
TECHNOSTRUCTURE n. the network of professionally skilled managers (as scientists, engineers, and administrators) that tends to control the economy both within and beyond individual corporate groups.
TETARTOHEDRALtetartohedral adj. (Crystallography) isometric and tetragonal, but having one fourth of the number of planes required for…
TETARTOHEDRAL adj. having one fourth the number of planes required by complete symmetry.
TETARTOHEDRALLYTETARTOHEDRAL adv. having one fourth the number of planes required by complete symmetry.
TETARTOHEDRISMtetartohedrism n. (Crystallography) The property of being tetartohedral.
TETARTOHEDRISM n. the state of being tetartohedral, having one fourth the number of planes required by complete symmetry.
TETARTOHEDRISMStetartohedrisms n. Plural of tetartohedrism.
TETARTOHEDRISM n. the state of being tetartohedral, having one fourth the number of planes required by complete symmetry.
TETRABRANCHIATEtetrabranchiate adj. (Zoology) Of or relating to the Tetrabranchiata; having four gills.
tetrabranchiate n. (Zoology) Any of the Tetrabranchiata.
TETRABRANCHIATE n. any mollusc belonging to the Tetrabranchia, with four gills.
TETRAHEDRITEtetrahedrite n. (Mineralogy) A complex ore of copper, a mixed sulfide of copper, iron, zinc, silver and antimony.
TETRAHEDRITE n. native sulphide of antimony, iron, and copper, forming a series with tennantite and typically occurring as tetrahedral crystals.
TETRAHEDRITEStetrahedrites n. Plural of tetrahedrite.
TETRAHEDRITE n. native sulphide of antimony, iron, and copper, forming a series with tennantite and typically occurring as tetrahedral crystals.
TETRARCHATEtetrarchate n. (Historical, Roman antiquity) A tetrarchy.
TETRARCHATE n. the fourth part of a province, a tetrarchy.
TETRARCHATEStetrarchates n. Plural of tetrarchate.
TETRARCHATE n. the fourth part of a province, a tetrarchy.
THERMOTOLERANTthermotolerant adj. Possessing thermotolerance; able to withstand heat.
THERMOTOLERANT adj. able to endure high temperatures but not growing well under such conditions.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 1144 words
  • Scrabble in French: 62 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 83 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 3 words

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